Tags: optics

Resources (101-120 of 139)

  1. ECE 616 Teaching Materials: Homework Assignments (Fall 2011)

    Series | 12 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

  2. ECE 616 Homework 1: Lasers, Fourier transform review and Introduction to Mode-Locking

    Teaching Materials | 12 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Topics: Lasers and Fourier transform review; introduction to mode-lockingChapter 1, Ultrafast Optics

  3. ECE 616 Homework 2: Principles of Mode-Locking

    Teaching Materials | 12 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Topics: Principles of Mode-LockingChapter 2, Ultrafast Optics

  4. ECE 616 Lecture 4: Active Mode-Locking: Time Domain Treatment

    Online Presentations | 08 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 2.1-2.2.1

  5. ECE 616 Lecture 3: Introduction to Short Pulse Generation via Mode-Locking

    Online Presentations | 07 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 1.4

  6. ECE 616 Lecture 2: Laser Basics

    Online Presentations | 30 Aug 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 1.3

  7. ECE 616 Lecture 1: Introduction to Ultrafast Optics

    Online Presentations | 29 Aug 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 1.1

  8. ECE 616: Ultrafast Optics

    Courses | 29 Aug 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Topics:Introduction and reviewUltrashort pulse generation techniquesMode-locking: overviewActive mode lockingPassive mode lockingMeasurement techniquesCorrelation techniquesTime-frequency methodsNoise and jitterDispersion and its compensationMaterial dispersionAngular dispersion devicesDispersion...

  9. [Illinois] ECE 460 Optical Imaging Fall 2011 Lecture 2: Math Toolbox I

    Online Presentations | 26 Aug 2011 | Contributor(s):: Gabriel Popescu

    Scalar fields, geometrical optics, wave optics, Gaussian beams, Fourier optics, spatial and temporal coherence, microscopy, interference chromatic and geometric aberrations, Jones matrices, waveplates, electromagnetic fields, and electro-optic and acousto-optic effects. Laboratory covers...

  10. [Illinois] ECE 460 Optical Imaging Fall 2011 Lecture 1: Introduction

    Online Presentations | 26 Aug 2011 | Contributor(s):: Gabriel Popescu

    Scalar fields, geometrical optics, wave optics, Gaussian beams, Fourier optics, spatial and temporal coherence, microscopy, interference chromatic and geometric aberrations, Jones matrices, waveplates, electromagnetic fields, and electro-optic and acousto-optic effects. Laboratory covers...

  11. Computer Graphics Imagery for Motion Pictures and Commercial Advertising: The Achievement of Highly-Realistic Images

    Online Presentations | 19 Aug 2011 | Contributor(s):: Kenneth Torrance

    The talk will review some of the underlying concepts from Radiation Heat Transfer that have now been implemented in synthetic images. In many cases, researchers in graphics have created algorithms that are many times faster and more detailed than the engineering algorithms from which they were...

  12. PfFP Lecture 24: Invisible Light II

    Online Presentations | 27 Apr 2011 | Contributor(s):: Jerry M. Woodall

  13. Optical and Spectral Imaging for Nanoscale Research

    Online Presentations | 25 Apr 2011 | Contributor(s):: Chuck Ludwig

  14. Quantitative Modeling and Simulation of Quantum Dots

    Presentation Materials | 18 Apr 2011 | Contributor(s):: Muhammad Usman

    Quantum dots grown by self-assembly process are typically constructed by 50,000 to 5,000,000 structural atoms which confine a small, countable number of extra electrons or holes in a space that is comparable in size to the electron wavelength. Under such conditions quantum dots can be interpreted...

  15. PfFP Lecture 23: Invisible Light I

    Online Presentations | 14 Apr 2011 | Contributor(s):: Jerry M. Woodall

  16. PfFP Lecture 25: Invisible Light III

    Online Presentations | 14 Apr 2011 | Contributor(s):: Jerry M. Woodall

  17. PfFP Lecture 21: Light II

    Online Presentations | 14 Apr 2011 | Contributor(s):: Jerry M. Woodall

  18. PfFP Lecture 20: Light I

    Online Presentations | 05 Apr 2011 | Contributor(s):: Jerry M. Woodall

  19. A Half Century of Nonlinear Optics

    Online Presentations | 22 Mar 2011 | Contributor(s):: Robert W. Boyd

    In this talk, we first present a review of the development of the field of nonlinear optics, and we then survey some areas of recent research including quantum imaging and implications of the ability to control the group velocity of light.

  20. Illinois Tools: Optical Beam Focusing System

    Tools | 13 Dec 2010 | Contributor(s):: Zuhaib Bashir Sheikh, Nahil Sobh, Mohammad Hazem Jaber

    Generate Focused optical beams using principles of electromagnetic optics