Tags: System of Systems

All Categories (1-7 of 7)

  1. Towards Intelligent Architecting of Aerospace System-of-Systems

    12 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Cesare Guariniello, Linas Mockus, Ali K. Raz, Daniel A Delaurentis

    —System-of-Systems (SoS) are composed of large scale independent and complex heterogeneous systems which collaborate to create capabilities not achievable by a single system, for example air transportation system, satellite constellations, and space exploration architectures. Much of the...

  2. Quantifying the Impact of Systems Interdependencies in Space Systems Architectures

    12 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Cesare Guariniello, Melanie Grande, Christopher T Brand, Liam D Durbin, Michael Clifford Dai, Ashwati Das-Stuart, Reginald Alexander, Kathleen Howell, Daniel A Delaurentis

    Due to the high number of systems in a space mission architecture and to their complex interactions, identifying risk and critical operational dependencies is not obvious. Traditional systems engineering methodology and risk assessment does not capture the impact of interactions between systems...

  3. Understanding Human Space Exploration as a System-of-Systems Problem

    10 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Cesare Guariniello, Zhemei Fang, William O'Neill, Takaya Ukai, Daniel L Dumbacher, Daniel A Delaurentis

    The number, size and complexity of systems currently envisioned for human space exploration missions beyond Low Earth Orbit present an unprecedented architecture design challenge, further exacerbated by explicit cost and risk constraints. Single-threaded, bottom-up construction of alternatives...

  4. Supporting design via the System Operational Dependency Analysis methodology

    10 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Cesare Guariniello, Daniel A Delaurentis

    In this paper, we introduce the system operational dependency analysis methodology. Its purpose is to assess the effect of dependencies between components in a monolithic complex system, or between systems in a system-of-systems, and to support design decision making. We propose a parametric...

  5. System-of-Systems tools for the analysis of technological choices in space propulsion

    10 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Cesare Guariniello, William O'Neill, Ashwati Das-Stuart, Liam D Durbin, Kathleen Howell, Reginald Alexander, Daniel A Delaurentis

    Difficulties in space mission architecture design arise from many factors. Performance, cost, and risk constraints become less obvious due to complex interactions between the systems involved in the mission; decisions regarding long-term goals can heavily impact technological choices for...

  6. Operational Dependency Analysis of a Human Mars Architecture Based on the SODA Methodology

    10 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Steven Zusack, Cesare Guariniello, Daniel A Delaurentis

    A major challenge to large scale systems engineering is formulation of valid metrics for assessment and option comparison. A system-of-systems (SoS) level assessment based on the Systems Operational Dependency Analysis (SODA) methodology is presented. For this work, a generic human-Mars...

  7. System of Systems Analytic Workbench Toolset

    Tools | 23 Mar 2015 | Contributor(s):: Daniel A Delaurentis, Karen Marais, Navindran Davendralingam, Cesare Guariniello, Payuna Uday, Zhemei Fang, Demetrios Katsaduros, Rakshit Chandrahasa

    This is a toolset including different methods to support system of systems development and analysis.