Tags: tool:oommf

All Categories (1-16 of 16)

  1. Error evaluating output 'Magnetization' of object Oxy_minDriver devicefull?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1

    Hello OOMF Team,

    Currently, I am facing an issue during the simulation of hysteresis loops. I am unable to attach here a screenshot of the error but the question titles is the main...


  2. How to apply different Gilbert Damping in simulation of two layers PMA thin films.

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 0

    Hi oomf team, 

    I am currently working on oomf to simulate the Hysteresis loops of my bi layers films. Its a heterostructure with each layer exhibiting PMA with different strengths...


  3. Jan 11 2023

    Micromagnetic simulation of magnetic nanowire (MNW) using OOMMF to predict heating ability

    Micromagnetic simulation of magnetic nanowires (MNW) using OOMMF to predict heating abilityPresenter:Yicong Chen, Ph.D Candidate, University of MinnesotaDate and Time:January 11, 2023; 1:30 -...


  4. Run Anv_SpinTEvolve in nanohub

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 0

    I'm trying to do the Homework 2, and I don't find the rute to app/oxs/local in nanohub session. It is possible to upload the files spintevolve.h and spintevolve.cc to nanohub...


  5. How to generate .omg files

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 2


     In the OOMMF videos you show files with extension .omf, I suposse that this kind of files are generated when you run the simulation, but if I have my own code, when I run,...


  6. How to simulate anisotropic magnetoresistance behavior of a ferromagnetic thin film?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1


  7. Random magnetization

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 0

    Hi all,

    I would like to simulate the CoFeB with non-uniform magnetization, for more closer to the real situation due to the roughness. That is, there is little variation between each...


  8. Is there a way to introducce Interfacial roughness between the layers of a bilayer system. Please advise

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 2

    Hi all, I wanted to introduce the roughness between the layers of FM/FM bilayer system. Please suggest the atlas or how it can be done.


  9. How do you created shortcut of 'tclsh oommf. tcl' to 'oommf' and how you were able to apply oommf command from different directory than oommf parent directory from command prompt?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1

    For using oommf from command prompt I always need to be in the parent directory of in which I have installed oommf. I want to convert .omf file to .odt file using avf2odt command but i am not...


  10. Cody Alexander Trevillian


  11. Useful Tool Tags

    Blog | 05 Jul 2017 | Posted by Tanya Faltens

    Before you publish your tool on nanoHUB, be sure to add a tag of this form: tool:shortname Shortname is the name of your tool in the url.   I've included two example tags...


  12. Index of Example Files?

    Q&A|Open | Responses: 1

    I'd like to know whether anyone has made a list of the example files (MIF) that lists what features are illustrated in each example.  This would be very useful for figuring out...


  13. M-file/Mif Automatic GEnerator

    Tools | 23 Sep 2016 | Contributor(s):: Jakub Chęciński

    A GUI tool for automatic generation of OOMMF configuration files and Matlab scripts for results analysis

  14. png file upload causes mmSolve crash

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1

    I am simulating structures using mmProb2D, and generated 1-bit png files with my geometries. I am able to successfully upload to a session, but upon loading the problem in mmSolve, the mmSolve...


  15. SpinXfer evolver not working

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1

    Hi, I'm trying to run my code which uses the spinxfer evolver. The code runs fine from the pre-compiled windows 64bit 12.a6 version.
    However, it does not recognize the spinxfer...


  16. Problem in loading own MIF

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1

    I found that when a MIF file is uploaded here for simulation, it is not placed inside /oxs/example/ which is why, the oxs simulator fails to load the problem and shows an error...
