Tags: ultrafast optics

All Categories (1-20 of 56)

  1. 2016 Micro and Nanoscale Science for Addressing Grand Challenges

    Workshops | 03 Nov 2016 | Contributor(s):: Purdue Student Chapter OSA (organizer), Purdue Student Chapter SPIE (organizer), Purdue NSAC (organizer)

    This conference served as a platform to bring together Purdue students and faculty to discuss how light-based technologies could help address the grand challenges facing our society such as providing affordable solar energy, personalized medicine, etc. The talks are by Graduate students and...

  2. A Phase-Changing Oxide for PS Silicon Photonics

    Online Presentations | 03 Nov 2016 | Contributor(s):: Richard Haglund

  3. Abdullah Al Noman

    I am currently a PhD student in ultrafast optics and communication laboratory in Purdue University (West Lafayette) under the supervision of Professor Andrew M Weiner.


  4. Ahsan Mahmood


  5. All-optical Magnetization Switching Mediated by Laser-induced Spin Current

    Online Presentations | 21 May 2020 | Contributor(s):: Satoshi Iihama

    The manipulation of magnetization solely by the ultrashort laser pulse has attracted attention for future ultrafast and low-energy spintronics device [1-4]. GdFeCo has been predominant materials system showing all-optical single-shot magnetization switching. The magnetization switching of GdFeCo...

  6. Andrew M Weiner

    Andrew M. Weiner graduated from M.I.T. in 1984 with an Sc.D. in electrical engineering. Upon graduation he joined Bellcore, first as Member of Technical Staff and later as Manager of Ultrafast...


  7. ECE 616 Homework 1: Lasers, Fourier transform review and Introduction to Mode-Locking

    Teaching Materials | 12 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Topics: Lasers and Fourier transform review; introduction to mode-lockingChapter 1, Ultrafast Optics

  8. ECE 616 Homework 2: Principles of Mode-Locking

    Teaching Materials | 12 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Topics: Principles of Mode-LockingChapter 2, Ultrafast Optics

  9. ECE 616 Homework 3: Pulse Measurement

    Teaching Materials | 04 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

  10. ECE 616 Homework 4: Pulse Measurement, Dispersion

    Teaching Materials | 24 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

  11. ECE 616 Homework 5: Dispersion, Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics

    Teaching Materials | 07 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

  12. ECE 616 Lecture 10: Intensity Autocorrelation I

    Online Presentations | 03 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 3.4

  13. ECE 616 Lecture 11: Intensity Autocorrelation II

    Online Presentations | 27 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 3.4

  14. ECE 616 Lecture 12: Electric Field Cross-Correlation and Spectral Interferometry

    Online Presentations | 17 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 3.3

  15. ECE 616 Lecture 13: Chirped Pulses and Measurement in the Time-Frequency Domain

    Online Presentations | 21 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 3.5-3.6

  16. ECE 616 Lecture 14: Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating (FROG)

    Online Presentations | 26 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 3.6

  17. ECE 616 Lecture 15: Characterization of Noise and Jitter

    Online Presentations | 27 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 3.9

  18. ECE 616 Lecture 16: Dispersion

    Online Presentations | 17 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 4.1

  19. ECE 616 Lecture 17: Temporal Dispersion Based on Angular Dispersion

    Online Presentations | 07 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 4.2

  20. ECE 616 Lecture 18: Dispersion with Grating and Prism Sequences

    Online Presentations | 21 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 4.3-4.4.