Tags: undergraduate research

All Categories (41-60 of 168)

  1. LAMMPS Data File Generator Tool Demo

    Online Presentations | 15 Apr 2022 | Contributor(s):: Carlos Miguel Patiño

    A quick demonstration of the nanoHUB tool LAMMPS Data-File Generator. This was developed as part of the 2017 NCN URE program.

  2. SCME and URE Program – It’s about the Students!

    Online Presentations | 28 Oct 2020 | Contributor(s):: Matthias Pleil, The Micro Nano Technology - Education Center

    This session will be talking about his 2021 MEMS workshop and the upcoming URE opportunities at the University of New Mexico.

  3. Bandgap Manipulation of Armchair Graphene nanoribbon

    Papers | 01 Sep 2020 | Contributor(s):: Lance Fernandes

    Bandgap Manipulation is very important for various applications. Optical Devices need smaller Bandgap where as Diode's need larger Bandgap. Armchair graphene Nanoribbon (AGNR) has a special property where if the numbers of atoms are multiple of three or multiple of three plus one, they are...

  4. Illustrative Mathematical Concepts

    Tools | 29 Jul 2020 | Contributor(s):: Hae Ji Kwon, Mike Jovanovich, David R. Ely

    Illustrates mathematical concepts and their applications

  5. 3 min. Research Talk: Identifying the Dimensionality of Crystal Structures

    Online Presentations | 12 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Franco Vera

    Today, researchers worldwide have identified over 100,000 distinct bulk materials. The underlying dimensionality of these materials is not always clear however, and as such researchers have sought to identify stable, lower dimensional materials derived from the bulk parent structures. A team of...

  6. PhysiCell: Extracellular Matrix Modeling

    Tools | 10 Dec 2019 | Contributor(s):: John Metzcar, Ben Duggan, Randy Heiland, Daniel Matthew Murphy, Paul Macklin

    An extracellular matrix model developed in PhysiCell.

  7. 3 min Research Talk: Hierarchical Material Optimization using Neural Networks

    Online Presentations | 29 Oct 2019 | Contributor(s):: Miguel Arcilla Cuaycong

    In this presentation, we sought to use a neural network (NN) to identify optimal arrangements of four different constituents in a tape spring to be used as snapping mechanisms in phase transforming cellular material that can dissipate energy.

  8. Hierarchical material optimization

    Tools | 28 Oct 2019 | Contributor(s):: Miguel Arcilla Cuaycong

    Assembles all possible configurations of a structural level in a Hierarchical Material.

  9. 3 min. Research Talk: The Agrivoltaic Simulation tool

    Online Presentations | 23 Oct 2019 | Contributor(s):: Hans Torsina

    The Agrivoltaic Simulation tool will calculate based on the solar panel parameters, geometries, patterns, and tracking system to provide outputs of contour shadowmaps, solar and electrical power output plots, along with input-output tables.

  10. Image Analysis of a Vesicle to Calculate the Bending Modulus

    Presentation Materials | 10 Oct 2019 | Contributor(s):: Pheobe Jane Appel, Charlie Lin, Vivek Narsimhan

    The cell membrane is an essential component of living cells; the dynamics of the membrane will provide insight into how a biological cell will react to mechanical strain.  Membrane mechanics are important in a variety of cellular processes like secretion, trafficking, signaling, and storage....

  11. 3 min Research Talk: Web-based Machine Learning Tool for Material Discovery and Property Prediction

    Online Presentations | 26 Sep 2019 | Contributor(s):: Bryan Arciniega

    This model allows the end-user to increase their knowledge on a scarce data set by using a data-rich property set. We also investigate the effect of chemical representation and autoencoder type on property prediction and compound generation.

  12. 3 min Research Talk: Plasmonic Core-Multishell Nanowires for Optical Applications

    Online Presentations | 26 Sep 2019 | Contributor(s):: Raheem Carless

    ED lights and technology are being used more often in today’s society. Compared to traditional illumination they are far more reliable and efficient, in the sense that they last longer, are environmentally friendly, and most importantly, they reduce energy waste.

  13. 3 min Research Talk: Using Machine Learning for Materials Discovery and Property Prediction

    Online Presentations | 26 Sep 2019 | Contributor(s):: Mackinzie S Farnell

    Machine Learning models present a transformative method of optimization and prediction in science and engineering research. In the chemical sciences, unsupervised deep learning models such as autoencoders have shown to be useful for property prediction and material...

  14. Agrivoltaic Simulation

    Presentation Materials | 23 Sep 2019 | Contributor(s):: Hans Torsina, Allison Perna, Peter Bermel

            With the continually increasing food and energy demands which require sustainability, novel solutions in which agrivoltaic (agrophotovoltaic) is a part of are pushed to solve local land shortages and increase land productivity. Compared to...

  15. Machine Learning for Property Prediction and Materials Discovery

    Presentation Materials | 20 Sep 2019 | Contributor(s):: Mackinzie S Farnell, Nicolae C Iovanac, Brett Matthew Savoie

    Machine learning displays excellent potential for generating material property predictions and discovering novel compounds with desirable properties; however, it can be prohibitively costly to obtain data to train machine learning models. This barrier can be overcome by training models to...

  16. Web-based Machine Learning Tool for Material Discovery and Property Prediction

    Presentation Materials | 20 Aug 2019 | Contributor(s):: Bryan Arciniega, Mackinzie S Farnell, Nicolae C Iovanac, Brett Matthew Savoie

    Machine Learning models present a transformative method of optimization and prediction in science and engineering research. In the chemical sciences, unsupervised deep learning models such as autoencoders have shown to be useful for property prediction and material...

  17. Plasmonic Core-Multishell Nanowires for Optical Applications

    Presentation Materials | 01 Aug 2019 | Contributor(s):: Raheem Carless, Amartya Dutta

    LEDs are very useful in today’s society, especially when compared to conventional incandescent and fluorescent lamps. According to the US Department of Energy, by 2027 the use of LEDs could save 348 TWh of electricity, which is the equivalent...

  18. Elastoplastic Response of Compacted Pharmaceutical Powder Blends: Model Development, Calibration and Validation.

    Presentation Materials | 01 Aug 2019 | Contributor(s):: Paul Beckwith, Pedro Henrique Cidreiro Martins, Marcial Gonzalez

    The compaction of granular materials is a common operation in many industrial manufacturing processes, ranging from farming to pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements to diagnostics, and many others. The operation involves combining a mixture of powdered substances into a single bonded compact, or...

  19. Hierarchical Material Optimization using Neural Networks

    Presentation Materials | 01 Aug 2019 | Contributor(s):: Miguel Arcilla Cuaycong, Valeria Grillo, Kristiaan William Hector, Pablo Daniel Zavattieri

    Material structures that occur in nature are commonly made up of complex architectures arranged in a hierarchy. These hierarchical architectures are made up of different structural levels consisting of a unique arrangement of simple constituents, acting as building blocks, that satisfy a local...

  20. NCN URE Communicating Science Resources


    Communicating Science Example Talks from the MOS Workshop CSW_Example_Talks.pptx (95 MB, uploaded by Tanya Faltens 49 minutes ago) Mastering Science Presentations Seminar – Tim Miller (MRS...
