Wish List - Tool polymod

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outstanding Ability to do tension and compression tests
#417 Proposed by John Epling 1
0 Dislike
outstanding Build polymers in solvent
#365 Proposed by Alexander Pushkarchuk 1
0 Dislike
outstanding Add tutorial with videos how to start with custom polymer from a given monomer(s)
#892 Proposed by Boris Bolshchikov 0
0 Like 0 Dislike
outstanding Test wish
#857 Proposed by Lynn Zentner 1
0 Like 0 Dislike
outstanding Set an orthogonal simulation box instead of a cubic one
#816 Proposed by Jordi Pina 1
0 Like 0 Dislike
outstanding More detail on pre-built epoxy systems
#265 Proposed by Alejandro Strachan 2
0 Like 0 Dislike
outstanding LAMMPS data file
#279 Proposed by Syamal S Tallury 2
0 Like 0 Dislike Granted
outstanding Molecular snapshots during MD
#266 Proposed by Alejandro Strachan 1
0 Like 0 Dislike Granted