Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series

By Akash Garg; Albert Liao1; Omar N Sobh1

1. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



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The Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics (NANO-EP) seminar focuses on topics that span the fields of nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanobioelectronics, and others with biweekly talks. The seminar's goal is to promote interaction and discussion in the nano field, particularly amongst the faculty and students in the Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory and elsewhere on campus.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Akash Garg, Albert Liao, Omar N Sobh (2011), "Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series,"

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Lecture Number/Topic Online Lecture Video Lecture Notes Supplemental Material Suggested Exercises
Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2010 - Lecture 1: Hetero-epitaxy of III-V Compounds on Silicon Substrates by MOCVD for Device Applications View on YouTube View
III-V compounds have established their niches in optoelectronic, high-frequency and high-speed device applications that cannot be matched by Si electronics. However, Si has been and will remain the...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2010 - Lecture 2: Spin Transistor and Beyond View on YouTube View
Electronic devices have traditionally been based on controlling the flow of charge. However, electrons carry both charge and "spin", the latter being responsible for magnetic phenomena. In the...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2010 - Lecture 3: Characterization and Modeling of Transport in Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Films for Device Applications View on YouTube View
Single‐walled carbon nanotube (CNT) films are transparent, conductive, and flexible materials. These films have uniform physical and electronic properties, and can be mass produced in a cost...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2010 - Lecture 4: Materials and Mechanics for Bio-Integrated Electronics View on YouTube View
Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2010 - Lecture 5: Alignment of Carbon Nanotubes: a Route to Nanoelectronics View
Single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) possess extraordinary electrical properties, with many possible applications in electronics. Dense, horizontally aligned arrays of linearly configured SWNTs...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2010 - Lecture 6: Honing Scanned Probe Lithography for Atomic-Fidelity Patterning View
Single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) possess extraordinary electrical properties, with many possible applications in electronics. Dense, horizontally aligned arrays of linearly configured SWNTs...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2010 - Lecture 7: Can a Semiconductor Operate as a Human Cell ? View
The ability to manipulate the enormous information resources contained in DNA molecules for applications in information technology is one of the new great scientific challenges at the cross road of...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2010 - Lecture 8: Quantum Dot and Nanopore Lasers View
We describe the growth, processing, and characteristics of self‐assembled and patterned quantum dot and nanopore lasers that exhibit interesting effects arising from reduction of the active medium...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Current Status of Coherent Large-Scale InP Photonic Integrated Circuits Vimeo
Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Molecular Structure Transformations and the Kinetics of Carbon Nanomaterial Formation Vimeo
The typical conditions for carbon nanomaterial synthesis include extreme temperatures and pressures that occur in plasmas or flames creating highly non-equilibrium initial distribution of...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Untangling the Essence of Bulk Heterostructure Organic Solar Cells: Why Complex Need not be Complicated Vimeo
A new class of Macroelectronic devices appropriate for large area flexible electronics, supercapacitors, batteries, and solar cells rely on the biological dictum that 'form defines function' and...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Untangling the Essence of Bulk Heterostructure Organic Solar Cells: Why Complex Need not be Complicated Vimeo
A new class of Macroelectronic devices appropriate for large area flexible electronics, supercapacitors, batteries, and solar cells rely on the biological dictum that 'form defines function' and...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Stanford\'s Ovshinsky\'s Nerve-cell Analogy and the Field of Amorphous and Disordered Materials Vimeo
Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: III-Nitride Power Transistor Switches for Next-Generation Electronics Vimeo
Nanoelectronics and Photonics Seminar – MNTL 1000 October 27, 2011 – 12:00-1:00pm "III-Nitride Power Transistor Switches for Next-Generation...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2011: Interfacing Engineering, Biology, and Medicine at the Micro and Nano Scale Vimeo
In this talk, we will present an overview of our work in Silicon-Based BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology and discuss the state of the art and the future challenges and opportunities. We will review a...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2011: Analysis and Applications of Coupled Leaky-Mode, Implant-Defined Surface-Emitting Laser Arrays Vimeo
"Analysis and Applications of Coupled Leaky-Mode, Implant-Defined Surface-Emitting Laser Arrays," Dominic Siriani – Ph.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering with...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2011: Development of 90nm InGaAs HEMTs and Benchmarking Logic Performance with Si CMOS View on YouTube
"Development of 90nm InGaAs HEMTs and Benchmarking Logic Performance with Si CMOS," Donald Cheng — Ph.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering with Prof. Milton...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2011: High frequency mode-locked diode lasers Vimeo
Mode-locked laser diodes are compact optical pulse sources which have several advantages over other sources including very high repetition frequencies and very short pulse widths. They are...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2011: Improve Presentation Slides with Visual Explanations Vimeo
The evidence from learning science suggests that adding visuals to the text of instructional materials can help students learn better (Mayer 2001). If you are looking for a way to improve the...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2011: Reinventing Digital Optical Imaging Technology with Nanoplasmonics and Microfluidics for Cellular Vimeo
Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Current Status of Coherent Large-Scale InP Photonic Integrated Circuits Vimeo
The current state-of-the-art for large-scale lnP photonic integrated circuits (PICs) is reviewed with a focus on the devices and technologies that are driving the commercial scaling of these highly...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Type II Nanorod Heterostructures - From Synthesis, Lattice Strain and Charge Separation to Photovoltaics Vimeo
Understanding charge separation processes and developing materials that can efficiently direct photogenerated carriers with nanoscale precision are of fundamental importance in advancing next-...

Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Low-Power Switching of Phase-Change Materials with Carbon Nanotube Electrodes Vimeo
Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Phase Change Memory (PCM) Technology: Where We Are and Where We Are Going Vimeo
Illinois 2011 Nano-EP Seminar: Phase Change Memory (PCM) Technology: Where We Are and Where We Are Going from ncn@illinois on Vimeo. Dr. Roberto Bez, Director, Micron Technology