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Jose F Flores

Limit of dimensions


I’ve tried to complete a simulation on a Ag/Cu core-shell nanowire using concentric ellipsoid. It has failed 3 times now, even at 1000 iterations.

The dimensions are: Length = 300nm, Diameter = 70nm, and shell thickness is 10 – 20 nm into the nanowire. Wavelength spectrum is 350-650 nm. All other parameters are as-is.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you for the help.

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3 Responses

  1. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Jeremy Smith

    We are looking into your question. You are doing the calculation fine, we are getting a strange error we have never seen before when we run this. We will update you when we figure out what the problem is.

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  2. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    AbderRahman N Sobh

    Apologies, your simulation ended early due to an internal runtime limit.

    Unfortunately, it has not been noted anywhere in the tool yet that there is a maximum time limit of 12 hours for simulations that are run using the “Local” setting.

    There was also an issue where this limit was being applied to “Remote” runs as well, but this has been resolved at the current time. Running with “Remote” processing will effectively let you run for at least 3 days.

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  3. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    AbderRahman N Sobh

    This issue should be resolved in the latest version.

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