Questions and Answers

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Silverio Delgado

Is there a way to change the polarization direction for the x axis to the y or z?

In the code I see ****define incident polarizations **** (0,0) (1,0) (0,0) = Polarization state e01 (k along x axis) Lets say I would want to observe the polarization of the object from a different axis direction.

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    Jeremy Smith

    Indeed there is a way in the software to do this. The reason that we have hidden this option for now in the online tool is that we are working on a gui based method to set the rotation of the object relative to the incident light. Should be coming soon. Also I should mention that right the k vector is along x, but the software is actually computing an average of the two orthogonal polarizations, which are also orthogonal to k.

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1 Responses

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    Prashant K Jain

    Please note “k along x axis” implies that the propagation direction for light is along the x-axis. Therefore, the polarization vector can be along the y or z direction. This option will be made available soon if it is not already.

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