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I would like to obtain the 3D volume of the Bulk Heterojunction generated by the tool. Kindly advice.


When I run the Bulk Heterojunction Morphology Generator tool, I get only the final summary statistics.
I would like please to also obtain the 3D lattice generated; the array of the value (donor/acceptor) corresponding to the (x,y,z) coordinates of each lattice element (in any format).

Kindly advice if that would be possible.

Thank you.

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    Michael C. Heiber


    Thanks for your interest in my tool.  You can access the raw data for the morphologies that you generate by clicking the results drop down box and selecting the morphology. The data is in CSV format with the form x,y,z,type.  Donor sites are type 1 and acceptor sites are type 2.  You can also view a cross sectional image of the morphology from the drop down box.  In case you are interested in using this tool for your research, I am going to be making a big update to the tool very soon, which will make the calculations faster and also provide additional statistical characterization.  Let me know if you have any further questions.



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