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Shahid Arshad

how to excite transverse and longitudinal mode for a nanorod in a single simulation?


Two basic question

1. how to excite transverse and longitudinal mode for a nanorod in a single simulation?

2. what will happen if I will select the un-polarized light option? is it equivalent to 50% x-polarized and 50% y-polarized light?? in our lab experiments we are going to use un-polarized source of light, so i believe this is a right choose to simulation, what do you think?



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1 Responses

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    Jeremy Smith

    You are exactly correct, it will average the two orthogonal polarizations if you select unpolarized. This is an approximation for totally unpolarized light, to get a more accurate answer you could run a whole series of polarizations rotated by a small amount and average.

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