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Thanks for you excelent example.How can I get bone shape for nanoparticle?

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    Gregory T. Forcherio

    We appreciate your question.  Obtaining a bone-type geometry nanoparticle would require manually editing the shape generation sub-function within the code.  For example, one generates a sphere by a series of three for-loops for x, y, z coordinates that point to an if-loop where dipole points are recorded for x- y, z points (the for-loops) that fall within that Cartesian description for sphere (the if-loop).  Instead of using a Cartesian descriptor for a sphere, you would modify that section of the code to describe your bone-shaped nanoparticle.  There are many ways to do this.  For example, you could use three distinct if-loops: (i) for the rod-like middle section of the bone, (ii) for the sphere (or dumbbell-like) end cap of the bone on one side, and (iii) the opposite side's endcap.  Alternatively, you could generate a rod and desired end-cap of choice (sphere or dumbell), and perform coordinate transformations where your final bone-geometry is assembled from three individual pieces.  Sometimes, the latter is the easiest and is utilized in our lab.  

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      Thanks for your answer.

      who can I generate bone shape in the blender using " add mesh".


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        Gregory T. Forcherio

        That is certainly another options.  There is a tool available here on nanoHUB that integrates Blender to draw custom, complex shapes made by researchers at UIUC.  You can still utilize this script to output an appropriate parameter file to accompany the custom target file, if you wish (simply discard whatever target file is generated by this script and use the parameter file as a blueprint).

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