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Philip David Flammer

deep accumulation for small devices carrier density/availability of customizable PADRE

I have a question about the effectiveness of this tool in predicting carrier density for accumulation situations at say (5 V) for thin devices (2-3nm high k oxide) in the high frequency regime. When I look at the carrier concentrations, I can’t get enough points close to the surface (due to the limitation of the grid—1000 points in the semiconductor) to get convergence. Is there a way to increase the number of points possible in the silicon, or is it fair in the model to solve a thick silicon model, and then thin it down setting the edge carrier concentration equal to what it was at that point in the thicker model (to get a smaller grid)?

Also, do you know if PADRE is a free software that I can obtain to run custom simulations, or is it commercial? I haven’t been able to find information on this.

Thank you very much in advance!

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    michael duane

    Have you tried using fewer grid points (like 100) if you are having convergence issues? and/or how thick is your silicon? 1um would be more than enough for the conditions you describe (which you can tell by checking the carrier concentrations and potentials at the last bias point).

    the online help mentions how PADRE came from Bell Labs and that if you are interested in QM effects, you should be using SHRED.


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