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James T. Teherani

Uniaxial Strain is Scaled from Entered Value

Very nice tool!

I’m trying to calculate band structure in Si with unaxially applied strain in the < 100> direction.

Tool version 2.06.

On the “Analysis” page of the tool: Select numerical simulation: “Strain Analysis” Strain Model: “Uniaxial” Strain Direction: “001“ Initial Strain (Exx): “-0.01” Final Strain (Exx): “0.01” Number of Points: 21

On the simulate page, when I plot something such as Bandgap vs Strain, I only see data for Strain from -0.0028 to 0.0028. I do see 21 points of data.

Why is the strain being scaled from 0.01% strain to 0.0028% strain?

Thanks, Jamie

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    Abhijeet Paul

    This issue has been fixed now and the plots are shown against the input strain range and not the fixed eps_xx range. Please see the version 2.0.7 in which this bug has been fixed. Thanks for bringing this to our notice.

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2 Responses

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    Benjamin P Haley

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We will investigate this and get back to you.

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    Abhijeet Paul

    Hello This happens since the strain axis is along 001 which is the standard z axis. This means that the initial and final strain values of -0.01 and 0.01 are associated with Eps_zz and not with Eps_xx. The plots are always made with respect to Eps_xx. So the uniaxial strain value in 001 (Eps_zz) direction from -0.01 to 0.01 will have a values of -0.028 to 0.028 in the 100 direction (Eps_xx).

    I hope this answers your question.


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