Questions and Answers

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Debashis Kar

How to access and upload files on my computer to the OOF software

Whenever I try to access the data files stored in my computer, it opens some directory, which is different from my home directory, maybe my directory on the OOF2 server. How can I change it so that I can access my data files on my local machine.

Also I click on the upload button and nothing happens – how can I correct that?

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    When you use the File Open menu option for OOF2 it does indeed start the directory search in the working directory of the session. Each session will execute in its own directory. You can use the separate file transfer application to upload or download files from the working directory. If you push the upload button and nothing happens you should check to make sure that you are not blocking pop ups from

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2 Responses

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    Sarah Haubrich

    He is correct in the process of uploading files from your local computer from the separate file window to your Unix-based online OOF2 drive. However, does anyone know what folder it saves these files into and if it renames them? It doesn’t give an option where to save it, and I didn’t see it in the local file system or my folder.

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    Sarah Haubrich

    Sorry, figured it out. If you don’t click elsewhere in the Unix OOF2 server, the location for opening new microstructures for a new session should default to the upload location. On my computer, that was /home/nanohub/“username”/data/results/121599L. If you accidentally explore the server and need to navigate back, this is where uploads go.

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