
The scaling of technology has produced exponential growth in transistor development and computing power in the last few decades, but scaling still presents several challenges. These two lectures will cover device aware CMOS design to address power, reliability, and process variations in scaled technologies for different application domains: high-performance with power as constraint and ultra-low power with reasonable performance.


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Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

Quantum computers would represent an exponential increase in computing power…if they can be built. This tutorial describes the theoretical background to quantum computing, its potential for several specific applications, and the demanding challenges facing practical implementation. The field currently suffers from a strange imbalance with theoretical advances far outstripping experimental demonstration. The field is poised for a breakthrough that would make quantum circuits experimentally \“accessible\”, as opposed to the million dollar price tags attached to most current implementations.


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Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

This talk will highlight several illustrative applications of constrained density functional theory (DFT) to electron transfer dynamics in electronic materials. The kinetics of these reactions are commonly expressed in terms of well known Marcus parameters (driving force, reorganization energy and diabatic coupling) that are often difficult to predict using DFT. We show that constrained DFT provides a practical solution to many of these problems by making the charge on the acceptor an independent natural variable. We use this technique to examine localization/delocalization transitions in molecular wires, spindependent charge recombination in electroluminescent materials and charge transfer dynamics through a molecular junction.


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Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

Aggressive scaling of CMOS devices in technology generation has resulted in exponential growth in device performance, integration density and computing power. However, the power dissipated by a silicon chip is also increasing in every generation and emerging as a major bottleneck to technology scaling in nanometer technologies. Hence, analysis and reduction of switching energy in binary logic has drawn significant research interest in recent years.


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Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

Scanning Probe Microscopes and their remarkable ability to provide three-dimensional maps of surfaces at the nanometer length scale have arguably been the most important tool in establishing the world-wide emergence of Nanotechnology. In this talk, the fundamental ideas behind the first scanning probe microscope – the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) – will be reviewed. By controlling quantum mechanical electron tunneling, an exquisitely sensitive probe can be built to measure height variations above a surface at the picometer (10 -12 m) level. Some of the historically important problems solved by STMs will be discussed and a few of the important design principles required to build an STM will also be outlined.


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Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

Computer simulation is now an essential tool for the research and development of semiconductor processes and devices, but to use a simulation tool intelligently, one must know what\‘s \“under the hood.\” This talk is a tutorial introduction designed for someone using semiconductor device simulation for the first time. After reviewing the semiconductor equations, I will briefly describe how one solves them \“exactly\” on a computer. I\‘ll then discuss an example device simulation program and conclude with some thoughts about how to effectively use simulation in practice.


Profile picture of Ruben Ortega Lopez

Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

This talk will introduce hierarchical physical models and efficient computational techniques for coupled analysis of electrical, mechanical and van der Waals energy domains encountered in Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS). Numerical results will be presented for several silicon nanoelectromechanical switches to demonstrate the static electromechanical pull-in behavior.


Profile picture of Ruben Ortega Lopez

Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

Size quantization is an important effect in modern scaled devices. Due to the cost and limitations of available full quantum approaches, it is appealing to extend semi-classical simulators by adding corrections for size quantization. Monte Carlo particle simulators are good candidates, because a quantum correction potential may simply be added to the standard solution for Poisson equation, with minimal changes in the algorithms. This talk will review and compare the various approaches available for quantum corrections in Monte Carlo simulation. Representative results will include MOS capacitors and ultra-scaled structures like double-gate MOSFET and FinFET.


Profile picture of Ruben Ortega Lopez

Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is an indispensible tool in nano science for the fabrication, metrology, manipulation, and property characterization of nanostructures. This tutorial reviews some of the physics of the interaction forces between the nanoscale tip and sample, the dynamics of the oscillating tip, and the basic theory of some of the common modes of AFM operation. The tutorial summarizes some of the exciting new applications of Atomic Force Microscopy.


Profile picture of Ruben Ortega Lopez

Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

This tutorial will describe some of the most powerful and widely used techniques for materials modeling including i) first principles quantum mechanics (QM), ii) large-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and iii) mesoscale modeling, together with the strategies to bridge between them. These strategies are predictive, and useful for design and optimization of new materials or devices.


Profile picture of Ruben Ortega Lopez

Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

This presentation will highlight, for nanoelectronic device examples, how the effective mass approximation breaks down and why the quantum mechanical nature of the atomically resolved material needs to be included in the device modeling. Atomistic bandstructure effects in resonant tunneling diodes, ultra-scales Si slabs, Si nanowires, and alloyed quantum dots will be demonstrated in intuitive pictures. The presentation concludes with a brief overview of the empirical tight-binding method that bridges the gap between material science, physics, and electrical engineering for the quantitative design and analysis of nanoelectronic devices.


Profile picture of Ruben Ortega Lopez

Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

The trend in downscaling of electronic devices and the need to add functionalities such as sensing and nonvolatile memory to existing circuitry dictate that new approaches be developed for device structures and fabrication technologies. Various device technologies are being investigated, including nanotube/nanowire transistors, molecular electronic components and electrical/mechanical sensor platforms.


Profile picture of Ruben Ortega Lopez

Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in understanding thermal phenomena at the sub-micron scale. Applications include the thermal performance of microelectronic devices, thermo-electric energy conversion, ultra-fast laser machining and many others. It is now accepted that Fourier’s law for heat conduction is invalid at small length and time scales. The talk addresses the modeling of phonon transport based on the Boltzman transport equation (BTE).


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Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

It is common to differentiate between two ways of building a nanodevice: a top-down approach where we start from something big and chisel out what we want and a bottom-up approach where we start from something small like atoms or molecules and assemble what we want.


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Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

Nanotechnology: Silicon Technology, Bio-molecules and Quantum Computing


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Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

This presentation deals with the Einstein/Bohr Debate and Quantum Computing.


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Ruben Ortega Lopez onto Presentaciones

Cell relax dft with quantum espresso


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Md Mehedi Hasan onto Others and extra

DFT calculations of molecules and solids


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Md Mehedi Hasan onto Thesis

In this webinar, Dr. Schleife will briefly outline the fundamentals of DFT, and demonstrate how to use Quantum Espresso in nanoHUB to compute electronic structure, electronic densities of state, total energies, and bulk modulus for example materials.


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Md Mehedi Hasan onto Others and extra

Tools for Atomic Scale Modeling


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Md Mehedi Hasan onto Thesis

A five-week course distilling the essentials of the materials science of rechargeable batteries.


Profile picture of Ebenezer Affi

Ebenezer Affi onto Lithium ion batteries

Provides a unified perspective connecting equilibrium statistical mechanics with stochastic neural networks and quantum computing.


Profile picture of Shambukari Jayanth

Shambukari Jayanth onto Semiconductors

A free five-week course on the essential physics of nanoscale transistors.


Profile picture of Shambukari Jayanth

Shambukari Jayanth onto Semiconductors

This course was developed by Professor Mark Lundstrom using Professor Muhammad Alam’s lectures. It focuses on basic semiconductor physics and the physics of three important devices: 1) the PN…


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Shambukari Jayanth onto Semiconductors