PVhub is a resource for the photovoltaics community.Our mission is to provide access to live simulations and resources for education and research.
PVhub is an initiative of the Network for Photovoltaic Technology and the Network for Computational Nanotechnology.
“I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.”
- Thomas Edison, 1931
Design of Optoelectronically-active Polymers for Organic Photovoltaic Applications
High-Rate Processing and Advanced Emitter Structures for CIGS PV Module Manufacturing
Building on 35 Years of Progress: The Next 10 Years of Photovoltaic Research of NREL
Analysis of Techniques for Measuring Carrier Recombination Lifetime
Nanoscale Photon Management for Solar Energy Harvesting
Optimum Morphology and Performance Gains of Organic Solar Cells
A Physical Model for Non-Ohmic Shunt Conduction and Metastability in Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells
Renewable Solar Energy: Has the Sun Finally Risen on Photovoltaics?
Energy Innovations in the 21st Century: Role of ARPA-E
The Energy Problem: What the Helios Project Can Do About ItRenewable Energy Sources
Paper 1
Paper 2