[Illinois] GEM4 Cellular and Molecular Mechanics with a focus on Developmental Biology Summer School 2012



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GEM4 Summer School


Cellular and Molecular Mechanics with a focus on Developmental Biology

The 2012 GEM4 Summer School program consists of lectures in the mornings by experts in cellular and molecular mechanics and developmental biology, and hands-on labs in the afternoons on various experimental techniques in biology and engineering.

The objectives of the GEM4 Summer School are to educate researchers and graduate students about the fundamentals of cell and molecular biomechanics, and to provide an intense learning experience, and to facilitate interactions among engineers, biologists and clinicians. The goals are to help train a new generation of researchers with in-depth knowledge of mechanics and biology and to help engineers and biologists apply biomechanical approaches in biomolecular, cellular, tissue-level, animal model studies.

GEM4 Summer School website

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • (2013), "[Illinois] GEM4 Cellular and Molecular Mechanics with a focus on Developmental Biology Summer School 2012," https://nanohub.org/resources/18038.

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA


NanoBio Node

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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