[Illinois] Challenges unique to nanoindentation of biological tissues

By Virginia Ferguson

CU Boulder

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Virginia Ferguson (Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, 2001) is Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Colorado, Boulder since 2006. She held a joint postdoctoral appointment in Materials Science at Queen Mary, University of London and Anatomy and Developmental Biology at University College London where she studied mineralized tissues using nanoindentation and quantitative backscattered electron imaging. Her current research examines how tissue microstructure and composition, across the bone—cartilage interface and within tissue in pregnancy, facilitate effective function in health or contribute to failure with aging and disease. Dr. Ferguson has coauthored ~27 peer-reviewed journal articles and 4 book chapters.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Virginia Ferguson (2015), "[Illinois] Challenges unique to nanoindentation of biological tissues," https://nanohub.org/resources/22822.

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NanoBio Node, Aly Taha

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
