Rode's Method

Calculates low field mobility in III-V semiconductors

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Archive Version 1.0
Published on 28 Nov 2006
Latest version: 1.2. All versions

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Rode's method for calculating low Field electron mobility [1,2] is a technique with good convergence and stability properties that provides a straightforward physical interpretation of the exact transport equations. Its simple formalism makes generalization possible to include Fermi statistics, energy band nonparabolicity, s-type and p-type electron wave function admixture, arbitrary time dependence, and combination of various scattering mechanisms. This method gives accurate results for most cases concerning direct semiconductors. The III-V crystals are, for the most part, covalently bonded and possess the zinc-blende structure. Most of the III-V semiconductors are direct and are therefore well suited to the model assumed by Rode's technique.

With this interface, you can change parameters and compare the results of various runs to gain better understanding of which inputs affect low-field electron mobility the most.


The underlying \"rode\" program was written by Umberto Ravaioli and Massimo Macucci.


  • D. L. Rode, Low-field electron transport, (R. K. Willardson, A. C. Beer), Semiconductors and Semimetals, Academic Press, New York – London, 10, 1–90 (1975).
  • D. L. Rode, Physical Review B, “Electron mobility in direct-gap polar semiconductors”, 2, 1012 (1970).
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      1. Simulations were performed by Low Field Mobility on

    • (2014), "Rode's Method,"

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