Valley Dependent g-factors in Silicon: Role of Spin-Orbit and Micromagnets

By Rajib Rahman

Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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Spin quantum bits hosted in silicon quantum dots are attractive due to their exceptionally long coherence times and compatibility with the silicon transistor platform. How such microscopic electronic spins are affected by the crystal and interfacial symmetries has been a topic of great interest over the past few decades and has found potential applications in spin based electronics and computation. While the coupling between spin and orbital degrees of freedom has been extensively studied, the interplay between spin and the momentum space valley degree of freedom is a topic of recent interest, and may enable hybrid spin- and valley-tronic devices. In this talk, I will describe recent experiments that have probed valley dependent spin properties in silicon quantum bits. I will present an atomistic modeling framework that can provide a unified description of disparate experimental measurements, and show how material and device properties combine to affect the spins.

I will show that spin splittings in silicon quantum dots are inherently valley-dependent. Interface disorder, such as monoatomic steps, can strongly affect the intrinsic spin-orbit coupling and can cause device-to-device variations in g-factors. I will also describe the anisotropy of the g-factor as a function of the angle of an external magnetic field and compare with recent experimental measurements. I will also show how the anisotropy is affected by integrated micromagnets in silicon qubits that can generate an extrinsic coupling between spin and charge. Finally, I will show how the intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting the spins can be used to perform electrical rotations of spin qubits.


Rajib Rahman

Rajib Rahman obtained his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University in 2009 in the area of computational nanoelectronics. He was a postdoctoral fellow in Sandia National Laboratories in the Silicon Quantum Information Science and Technology group from 2009-2012. Since 2012, he has been employed as a Research Assistant Professor in the Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN) at Purdue. Rajib develops and employs atomistic simulation methods to model electronic devices at the nanoscale including quantum dots, photo-detectors, spin qubits, and transistors. Rajib specializes in the quantum mechanical many-body description of spins and their interactions with the solid-state environment. He collaborates with leading experimental groups in academia and in national laboratories in the field of semiconductor quantum computing.


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  • Rajib Rahman (2016), "Valley Dependent g-factors in Silicon: Role of Spin-Orbit and Micromagnets,"

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1001 Wang, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN


Valley Dependent g-factors in Silicon: Role of Spin-Orbit and Micromagnets
  • Valley Dependent g-factors in Si: Spin-orbit & Micro-magnets 1. Valley Dependent g-factors in … 0
  • Quantum Computing 2. Quantum Computing 38.90557223890557
  • Quantum Computing 3. Quantum Computing 73.540206873540214
  • Quantum Computing 4. Quantum Computing 115.24858191524859
  • Quantum Computing 5. Quantum Computing 149.21588254921588
  • Platform: Quantum Dots 6. Platform: Quantum Dots 248.41508174841511
  • Desirable: All-electrical control 7. Desirable: All-electrical cont… 378.1781781781782
  • All-electrical control: Micro-magnets 8. All-electrical control: Micro-… 625.658992325659
  • Status of the field 9. Status of the field 697.364030697364
  • Goal: Many Qubits (Scalable Systems) 10. Goal: Many Qubits (Scalable Sy… 753.98732065398735
  • Role of disorder 11. Role of disorder 896.69669669669668
  • Electronic States in Si Quantum Dots 12. Electronic States in Si Quantu… 922.08875542208875
  • Valley dependent spin splitting 13. Valley dependent spin splittin… 1123.8571905238573
  • ESR frequency in 2 expts. 14. ESR frequency in 2 expts. 1228.4617951284617
  • ESR frequency with B-field angle 15. ESR frequency with B-field ang… 1310.9109109109111
  • Valley dependent g-factor anisotropy 16. Valley dependent g-factor anis… 1356.6232899566232
  • Atomistic treatment of SOC 17. Atomistic treatment of SOC 1378.2115448782115
  • Atomistic calculation with SOC 18. Atomistic calculation with SOC 1544.6112779446114
  • ESR frequency with B-field angle 19. ESR frequency with B-field ang… 1597.0970970970971
  • Effect of interface steps on g-factor anisotropy 20. Effect of interface steps on g… 1650.7841174507842
  • Effect of spin-orbit coupling on ESR in a Si QD 21. Effect of spin-orbit coupling … 1760.3603603603604
  • Effect of interface steps on Dresselhaus-like SOI 22. Effect of interface steps on D… 1774.1741741741741
  • Atomistic spin-orbit coupling: comparison with experiment 23. Atomistic spin-orbit coupling:… 1934.0006673340008
  • Including micro-magnetic field 24. Including micro-magnetic field 1994.9949949949951
  • Average B-field due to micro-magnet 25. Average B-field due to micro-m… 2041.0076743410077
  • Effect of the average micro-magnetic field 26. Effect of the average micro-ma… 2092.8928928928931
  • Effect of gradient B-field 27. Effect of gradient B-field 2111.7784451117786
  • Effect of gradient B-field on valley dependent spin splitting (contd.) 28. Effect of gradient B-field on … 2204.3043043043044
  • Effect of gradient B-field on valley dependent spin splitting (contd.) 29. Effect of gradient B-field on … 2224.1241241241241
  • Effect of gradient B-field on anisotropic spin splitting 30. Effect of gradient B-field on … 2254.7213880547215
  • Observation 2: SOC + Micro-magnet 31. Observation 2: SOC + Micro-mag… 2264.964964964965
  • Experiment 2: Dzurak Group 32. Experiment 2: Dzurak Group 2382.4824824824827
  • Experiment 2: Stark shift of g-factor 33. Experiment 2: Stark shift of g… 2454.3877210543878
  • Effect of interface steps on stark shift in a Si QD 34. Effect of interface steps on s… 2499.2992992992995
  • Effect of interface steps on stark shift in a Si QD 35. Effect of interface steps on s… 2541.9085752419087
  • T2* in multiple qubits 36. T2* in multiple qubits 2551.2512512512512
  • Lessons learned 37. Lessons learned 2617.4841508174841
  • How to mitigate g-factor variations? 38. How to mitigate g-factor varia… 2784.1174507841174
  • How to mitigate Stark shift? 39. How to mitigate Stark shift? 2867.3340006673343
  • Predicted increase in T2* 40. Predicted increase in T2* 2930.3303303303305
  • Conclusion 41. Conclusion 2956.222889556223