Multifaceted Microfluidics: Three simple methods to create a microfluidic device

By Dixie Kullman; NNCI Nano1

1. National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure

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This module is open-ended to allow for use in a number of classroom settings. The importance here is to permit the teacher to choose the technique provided and tailor the technique to the scientific principle. The students will create their own microfluidic devices and utilize their devices in a manner similar to those used in a laboratory setting. This brings to the chemistry classroom real world applications of current technology.

The lesson provides three different techniques to create microfluidic devices. The methods use safe and simple materials including Jell-O®, Wikki Stix®, Shrinky Dinks®, and a polymer, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). These designs are an example of soft lithography in a less rigorous setting - no cleanroom required. The teacher may choose which “fabrication” method will be used and what concept will be explored with the device.  Students may examine laminar flow, diffusion, mixing, sedimentation etc.  The lesson is flexible enough to present a problem to the students and have them design their own device to test the problem.

This resource contains multiple documents for download. To view a list of all documents click on the Supporting Docs tab.


Dixie Kullman

Sponsored by

NNIN RET Program at Arizona State University NSF - EEC 1200925; National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure NSF – ECCS 1626183

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Dixie Kullman, NNCI Nano (2020), "Multifaceted Microfluidics: Three simple methods to create a microfluidic device,"

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Nancy Healy

Georgia Insitute of Technology
