
This tool performs a self-consistent simulation of the current-voltage curve of a metallic single-wall carbon nanotube with Joule heating.

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Archive Version 1.0.1
Published on 20 Oct 2009
Latest version: 1.2. All versions

doi:10.4231/D3Z892F14 cite this

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This tool runs the model described in Pop, Mann, Goodson, and Dai's "Electrical and Thermal Transport in Metallic Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes on Insulating Substrates" (see reference 1, below). It calculates the current-voltage (I-V) curve of a metallic single-wall nanotube self-consistently with its temperature profile, both for freely suspended and on-substrate tubes. A temperature dependent Landauer model for electrical transport is coupled with the heat conduction equation to account for Joule heating. The temperature profile is calculated using a one-dimensional finite element solution of the heat conduction equation. The temperature profile of the nano-tube at Joule breakdown is also displayed, or, if the simulation did not run to breakdown the profile at the last voltage point is returned. Defaults are set to typical values in air with SiO2 as the substrate. We note that breakdown in air is known to occur from oxidation when the peak nano-tube temperature reaches ~600 C (873 K).


Eric Pop


[1] E.Pop, D.Mann, K.Goodson and H.Dai, "Electrical and Thermal Transport in Metallic Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes on Insulating Substrates," Journal of Applied Physics, vol.101, p.093710, 2007.

[2] V. Perebeinos, P. Avouris, "Impact Excitiation by Hot Carriers in Carbon Nano-tubes", Physical Review Letters 74, p.121410, 2006.

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • E.Pop, D.Mann, K.Goodson and H.Dai, "Electrical and Thermal Transport in Metallic Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes on Insulating Substrates," Journal of Applied Physics, vol.101, p.093710, 2007.

  • Eric Pop, Yang Zhao (2014), "nanoJoule," (DOI: 10.4231/D3Z892F14).

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