SUGARCube - Chevron Thermal Actuator

Modeling and Simulation of a Chevron Thermal Actuator

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Archive Version 0.1
Published on 04 May 2009, unpublished on 13 Jul 2009
Latest version: 0.3. All versions

doi:10.4231/D3N29P622 cite this

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The thermo - mechanical domain of the chevron thermal actuator is modeled and simulated in the tool which is powered by SUGAR2.0 and RAPPTURE Toolkit.

Material, geometric and thermal properties can be defined by users. Static analysis and parameter(s) (up to 2) sweep analysis are available based on users' choice. The original and actuated model images, the table - formatted deflection data together with the SUGAR2.0 netlist (Netlist is a text file which defines the features of the model in SUGAR2.0.) are provided as output.

The environmental temperature (T_env) and the temperature at the central shuttle (T_apply) are defined by users as thermal properties. By assuming the linear distribution of the temperature across the thermal leg, the arithmetic average temperature [T_ave = (T_env + T_apply)/2] is used as an approximation in SUGAR2.0 to find the equivalent thermal expansion force. The force is applied along the thermal beam at the intersection point between the thermal beam and the central shuttle. The deflection of the central shuttle due to the thermal expansion is calculated.

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Fengyuan Li, Jason Clark (2014), "SUGARCube - Chevron Thermal Actuator," (DOI: 10.4231/D3N29P622).

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