ME 597 Teaching Materials: Homeworks (Fall 2010)

By Ron Reifenberger1; Arvind Raman2

1. Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 2. Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN



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Homework materials for the Fall 2010 teaching of ME 597/PHYS 570: Fundamentals of Atomic Force Microscopy.

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  • Ron Reifenberger, Arvind Raman (2010), "ME 597 Teaching Materials: Homeworks (Fall 2010),"

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In This Series

  1. ME 597 Homework 1: Quantum Transmission

    Teaching Materials | 18 Oct 2010 | Contributor(s): Ron Reifenberger | 617 users

    Problems:Transmission through a Square BarrierTransmission resonances for an array of square barriersA simple model for the vdW interaction

  2. ME 597 Homework 2: AFM Cantilevers

    Teaching Materials | 18 Oct 2010 | Contributor(s): Arvind Raman | 139 users

  3. ME 597 Homework 3:

    Teaching Materials | 29 Dec 2010 | Contributor(s): Arvind Raman | 299 users

    Problems:Steady state vibration response far from sampleAttractive and repulsive regimes of oscillationPractical issuesTheory

  4. ME 597 Homework 4: AM-AFM Scans and Basics of FM-AFM

    Teaching Materials | 29 Dec 2010 | Contributor(s): Ron Reifenberger | 667 users

    Problems:Setting the feedback parameters in AM-AFM scanningFactors Affecting Contrast in dAFM Topographic and Phase ImagesFM-AFMA dAFM “pocket guide”