Tags: band structure


In solid-state physics, the electronic band structure of a solid describes ranges of energy that an electron is "forbidden" or "allowed" to have. It is a function of the diffraction of the quantum mechanical electron waves in the periodic crystal lattice with a specific crystal system and Bravais lattice. The band structure of a material determines several characteristics, in particular its electronic and optical properties. More information on Band structure can be found here.

All Categories (81-100 of 175)

  1. ECE 656 Lecture 3: Density of States

    Online Presentations | 07 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Mark Lundstrom

    Outline:Density of statesExample: grapheneDiscussionSummary

  2. ECE 656 Lecture 4: Density of States - Density of Modes

    Online Presentations | 14 Sep 2009 | Contributor(s):: Mark Lundstrom

    Outline:Density of states Example: graphene Density of modes Example: graphene Summary

  3. ECE 659 Lecture 16: Band Structure: Toy Examples

    Online Presentations | 19 Feb 2003 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

    Reference Chapter 5.1

  4. ECE 659 Lecture 17: Band Structure: Beyond 1-D

    Online Presentations | 21 Feb 2003 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

    Reference Chapter 5.2

  5. ECE 659 Lecture 18: Band Structure: 3-D Solids

    Online Presentations | 24 Feb 2003 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

    Reference Chapter 5.3

  6. ECE 659 Lecture 19: Band Structure: Prelude to Sub-Bands

    Online Presentations | 24 Feb 2003 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

    Reference Chapter 5.2

  7. ECE 695NS Lecture 5: Bandstructures for Electro-optic Systems

    Online Presentations | 12 Jan 2017 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

    Outline:Bandstructure problemBloch's theoremPhotonic bandstructures1D2D

  8. ECE 695NS Lecture 6: Photonic Bandstructures

    Online Presentations | 12 Jan 2017 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

    Outline:Bandstructure symmetries2D Photonic bandstructuresPhotonic waveguide bandstructuresPhotonic slab bandstructures3D Photonic lattice types + bandstructures

  9. ECE 695NS Lecture 7: Photonic Bandstructure Calculations

    Online Presentations | 12 Jan 2017 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

    Outline:Maxwell eigenproblemMatrix decompositionsReformulating the eigenproblemsIterative eigensolversConjugate gradient solversPreconditionersDavidson solversTargeted solvers

  10. Electronic band structure

    Animations | 09 Apr 2010 | Contributor(s):: Saumitra Raj Mehrotra, Gerhard Klimeck

    In solid-state physics, the electronic band structure (or simply band structure) of a solid describes ranges of energy in which an electron is "forbidden" or "allowed". The band structure is also often called the dispersion or the E(k) relationship. It is a mathematical...

  11. Electronic Structure and Transport Properties of Graphene on Hexagonal Boron Nitride

    Presentation Materials | 06 Dec 2018 | Contributor(s):: Shukai Yao, Luis Regalado Bermejo, Alejandro Strachan

      Graphene is a zero-bandgap conductor with high carrier mobility. It is desired to search for an opening of band structure of graphene such that this kind of material can be applied in electronic devices. Depositing hexagonal Boron Nitride (h-BN) opens a bandgap in the band structure of...

  12. Electronic Structure of Bulk MoS2

    Collections | 31 Oct 2016 | Posted by David M Guzman


  13. Electronic Structure of Monolayer MoS2

    Collections | 31 Oct 2016 | Posted by David M Guzman


  14. Electronic Transport Through Self-Assembled Monolayers

    Online Presentations | 25 Feb 2004 | Contributor(s):: Takhee Lee

    Characterization of charge transport in molecular scale electronic devices has to date shown exquisite sensitivity to specifics of device fabrication and preparation. Thus, intrinsic molecular band structure has been problematic to extract from published results. Here we demonstrate...

  15. Empirical Pseudopotential Method: Theory and Implementation

    Teaching Materials | 16 May 2010 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska

    This tutorial first teaches the users the basic theory behind the Empirical Pseudopotential (EPM)Bandstructure Calculation method. Next, the implementation details of the method are described and finally a MATLAB implementation of the EPM is provided.vasileska.faculty.asu.eduNSF

  16. Energy Bands as a Function of the Geometry of the n-Well Potential: an Exercise

    Teaching Materials | 05 Jul 2008 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska, Gerhard Klimeck

    Explores the position and the width of the bands as a function of the 10-barrier potential parameters. NSF

  17. Energy Bands In Periodic Potentials

    Online Presentations | 11 Jan 2007 | Contributor(s):: Heng Li

    It is the Kronig-Penny Model.The particle in one-dimensional lattice is a problem that occurs in the model of periodic crystal lattice.The potential is caused by periodic arrangement of ions in the crystal structure. The graph presents the real part of transmission matrix element P11 plotted...

  18. Engineering at the nanometer scale: Is it a new material or a new device?

    Online Presentations | 06 Nov 2007 | Contributor(s):: Gerhard Klimeck

    This seminar will overview NEMO 3D simulation capabilities and its deployment on the nanoHUB as well as an overview of the nanoHUB impact on the community.

  19. Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices for Faculty



  20. Homework Assignment: Periodic Potentials

    Teaching Materials | 31 Jan 2008 | Contributor(s):: David K. Ferry

    Using the Periodic Potential Lab on nanoHUB determine the allowed bands for an energy barrier of 5 eV, a periodicity W = 0.5nm, and a barrier thickness of 0.1nm. How do these bands change if the barrier thickness is changed to 0.2 nm?