Tags: carbon based materials

Resources (1-11 of 11)

  1. CSI: Carbon Sink Investigation: A SCALE K-12 Curriculum Unit

    Teaching Materials | 22 May 2024 | Contributor(s):: Rachel E Gehr, Siddika Selcen Guzey, Doug Mayfield, Leslie VanHoy, Kerrie Douglas, Morgan M Hynes, Greg J. Strimel, Tamara J. Moore, SCALE K12

    Grade Level High School Approximate Time Needed to Complete Unit 3 weeks  Unit Summary In this unit, a client asks students to engage in an engineering design challenge of reducing the effect of carbon emissions from a nearby power plant. Students are tasked with creating a...

  2. Fun with Carbon Nanostructures using Crystal Viewer 2.3.4

    Online Presentations | 02 Nov 2021 | Contributor(s):: Tanya Faltens

    Quick tutorial/demonstration on how to create carbon nanostructures (buckyballs, graphene sheets, and carbon nanotubes) using Crystal Viewer 2.3.4.

  3. Images of Nanotubes, Graphene, Buckyballs, etc.

    Downloads | 24 Apr 2020 | Contributor(s):: Marco Curreli

    Free images of nanotubes, graphene, buckyballs, etc.  

  4. NNCI Outreach Demonstration Guide

    Teaching Materials | 10 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Nancy Healy, NNCI Nano

    This compendium of demonstrations includes 17 activities that can be used to demonstrate topics to students and the general public.  They are useful for science festivals, family science nights, and science cafes.  ...

  5. Turning Fruit Juice into Graphene Quantum Dots

    Teaching Materials | 06 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: John Gomm, NNCI Nano

    Graphene, a sub-nanometer thick sheet made of carbon, was isolated just over a decade ago (2004), yet swiftly won the Nobel Prize for Geim and Novoselov in 2010 for its properties of high strength, conductivity, and transparency. Students will replicate the procedure used to isolate graphene...

  6. Capacitive Deionization Cell Cycling, Low Current

    Animations | 02 Oct 2017 | Contributor(s):: Xia Shang

    The video shows parts of the simulation results in a change/discharge cycle for a conventional capacitive deionization cell.  The model incorporates the following electrochemical process: electrosorption of electrical double layer, leakage current due to faradic reactions, immobile...

  7. [Illinois] Interphase Chemical Mapping Of Carbon Fiber-epoxy Composites By AFM-IR Spectroscopy

    Online Presentations | 13 Apr 2017 | Contributor(s):: Chris Montgomery

    The properties and performance of carbon fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites are highly influenced by the chemical interactions of the fiber/matrix interface region. Many researchers have hypothesized that the presence of carbon fibers in epoxy causes a chemical gradient to form around the...

  8. Bifunctional Air Electrode Studies

    Presentation Materials | 01 Apr 2016 | Contributor(s):: Brian Demczyk, C. T. Liu

    This presentation outlines a number of fundamental and processing studies conducted on carbon-based bifunctional air electrodes

  9. Structure and Properties of Carbon and Boron Nitride Nanotubes

    Presentation Materials | 10 Jan 2014 | Contributor(s):: Brian Demczyk

    This presentation describes structure and mechanical property determinations on carbon and boron nitride (sp2-bonded) nanotubes , as deduced by transmission electron microscopy.

  10. Ripples and Warping of Graphene: A Theoretical Study

    Online Presentations | 08 Jun 2010 | Contributor(s):: Umesh V. Waghmare

    We use first-principles density functional theory based analysis to understand formation of ripples in graphene and related 2-D materials. For an infinite graphene, we show that ripples are linked with a low energy branch of phonons that exhibits quadratic dispersion at long wave-lengths. Many...

  11. Graphite

    Animations | 17 Apr 2010 | Contributor(s):: Saumitra Raj Mehrotra, Gerhard Klimeck

    Graphene is a one-atom-thick planar sheet of sp2-bonded carbon atoms that are densely packed in a honeycomb crystal lattice. Graphene sheets are weakly bonded to other graphene layers above and below to form Graphite. The difference between two layers is approximately 0.335 nm [1].Graphite can...