Tags: nanoelectronics


This list is a starting point for nanoHUB users interested in the broad area of nanoelectronics. It is a comprehensive list of available resources. More information on Nanoelectronics can be found here.

Resources (1541-1560 of 2031)

  1. Quantum-Mechanical Reflections in Nanodevices: an Exercise

    Teaching Materials | 02 Jul 2008 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska, Gerhard Klimeck

    This exercise points out to the fact that quantum-mechanical reflections are going to be significant in nanoscale devices and proper modeling of these device structures must take into consideration the quantum-mechanical reflections. NSF, ONR Dragica Vasileska personal web-site...

  2. Periodic Potentials and Bandstructure: an Exercise

    Teaching Materials | 02 Jul 2008 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska, Gerhard Klimeck

    This exercise teaches the students that in the case of strong coupling between the neighboring wells in square and Coulomb periodic potential wells electrons start to behave as free electrons and the gaps that open at the Brillouin zone boundaries become smaller and smaller (thus recovering the...

  3. From 1 well to 2 wells to 5 wells to periodic potentials: an Exercise

    Teaching Materials | 02 Jul 2008 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska, Gerhard Klimeck

    This exercise demonstrates that the interaction between the wells lifts the degeneracy of the quasi-bound states and if in the limit we have infinite periodic potential it leads to formation of energy bands. Notice that when the interaction is less strong the energy levels are more sharp and...

  4. Exercise: CV curves for MOS capacitors

    Teaching Materials | 02 Jul 2008 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska, Gerhard Klimeck

    This exercise demonstrates to the students how the low-frequency CV curves in MOS capacitors change with changing the gate workfunction, the oxide thickness and the dielectric constant. It also demonstrates the doping variation of the high-frequency CV curves.NSFNSF

  5. Open Systems

    Teaching Materials | 30 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska

    This tutorial contains introductory material for Quantum Mechanics for Engineers with emphasis on tunneling, open systems and the definitions of transmission and reflection coefficients and their calculation in the case of piece-wise constant potential energy profiles.NSF

  6. Double Barrier Case

    Teaching Materials | 30 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska

    This material contains derivation for the transmission coefficient and current calculation in double-barrier structures that are also known as resonant tunneling diodes.

  7. Quantum-Mechanical Reflections: an Exercise

    Teaching Materials | 30 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska, Gerhard Klimeck

  8. Double-Barrier Case: An Exercise

    Teaching Materials | 30 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska, Gerhard Klimeck

  9. Mobility Variation Due to Interface Trap Generation in Plasma Oxynitrided PMOS Devices

    Online Presentations | 30 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: Ahmad Ehteshamul Islam, Souvik Mahapatra, Muhammad A. Alam

    Mobility degradation due to generation of interfacetraps, Δµeff(NIT), is a well-known phenomenon that has beentheoretically interpreted by several mobility models. Based onthese analysis, there is a general perception that Δµeff(NIT) isrelatively insignificant (compared to Δµeff due to...

  10. CNT Heterojunction Modeler

    Tools | 20 Mar 2008 | Contributor(s):: Joe Ringgenberg, Joydeep Bhattacharjee, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Jeffrey C Grossman

    Study the structure and electronic properties of carbon nanotubes with linear heterojunctions.

  11. Schred Tutorial Version 2.1

    Downloads | 23 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska

    This Schred tutorial [or User's Manual] is intended to help users of the Schred tool with the Rappture interface. Readers will find various examples for modeling single-gate and dual-gate capacitors with either metal or polysilicon gates. The models also use either semi-classical or...

  12. Quantum Size Effects and the Need for Schred

    Downloads | 23 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska

    In this paper, we provide a historical overview of the observation of quantum effects in both experimental and theoretical nanoscale devices. This overview puts into perspective the need for developing and using the Schred tool when modeling nanoscale devices. At the end of the document, we...

  13. Clustermag

    Tools | 07 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: Eldad Tamman

    Simulate clusters configurations of nanomagnets

  14. Graphene Interconnect

    Tools | 17 Mar 2008 | Contributor(s):: Sansiri Tanachutiwat, Wei Wang, Nicholas Anthony Connelly

    Estimate performances of graphene interconnects

  15. BNC Annual Research Review: Thin-Film Electronics using Nanowire Transistors

    Online Presentations | 06 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: David Janes

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.

  16. BNC Research Review: nanoHUB.org: Future Cyberinfrastructure Serving a Community of 60,000 Today

    Online Presentations | 01 May 2008 | Contributor(s):: Gerhard Klimeck

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.

  17. BNC Research Review: The Birck Nanotechnology Center-Progress, Opportunitiees, and Challenges

    Online Presentations | 04 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: Timothy D. Sands

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.

  18. Nanoscale Opto Thermo Electric Energy Conversion Devices

    Online Presentations | 28 May 2008 | Contributor(s):: Ali Shakouri

    We review solid-state devices that allow direct conversion of heat into electricity. We describe fundamental and practical limits of conventional thermoelectric materials. Novel metal-semiconductor nanocomposites are developed where the heat and charge transport are modified at the atomic level....

  19. Dynamics of Quantum Fluids: Path integral and Semiclassical Methods

    Online Presentations | 21 May 2008 | Contributor(s):: Nancy Makri

    The interplay of many-body nonlinear interactions and quantum mechanical effects such as zero-point motion or identical particle exchange symmetries lead to intriguing phenomena in low-temperature fluids, some of which remain poorly understood. Recent advances in theory and methodology have...

  20. Nano Carbon: From ballistic transistors to atomic drumheads

    Online Presentations | 14 May 2008 | Contributor(s):: Paul L. McEuen

    Carbon takes many forms, from precious diamonds to lowly graphite. Surprisingly, it is the latter that is the most prized by nano physicists. Graphene, a single layer of graphite, can serve as an impenetrable membrane a single atom thick. Rolled up into a nanometer-diameter cylinder--a carbon...