Tags: Physics

All Categories (21-40 of 124)

  1. Efficiency of Nitinol Wire

    Teaching Materials | 11 Jun 2020 | Contributor(s):: John Nice, NNCI Nano

    This lab activity focused on nitinol or muscle wires  which are shape memory alloys. These wires can be used to lift a weight up a height. Students will explore how the work performed lifting a load with the nitinol wire compares to the energy pumped into the wire by an electrical current....

  2. Osama Moussa


  3. Understanding Waveguides: Light at the Nanoscale

    Teaching Materials | 13 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Marilyn Garza, NNCI Nano

    There are three lessons for this activity that help students understand how light can travel through a waveguide for communication purposes. Students will first explore the angle of refraction. Next they will create a gelatin waveguide to explore issues associated with light and waveguides....

  4. NNCI Reference Sheets

    Teaching Materials | 11 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Joyce Allen, Nancy Healy, NNCI Nano

    This is a series of 5 reference sheets for high school students that have a summarized version of important concepts for courses in: Physics, Physical Science, Chemistry, Biology, and Genetics.  These are two sided, with one side introducing nanotechnology and the other containing facts,...

  5. Understanding Wave Motion and Power Loss

    Teaching Materials | 10 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Richard Moore, Angela Berenstein, NNCI Nano

    This lab is designed to help students understand how light waves interact with matter. This activity is analogous to light traveling through optical media having different indices of refraction (densities). This is a two part lesson. In part 1 students use slinky and snaky toys to explore wave...

  6. Design Challenge: Incorporating Shape Memory Alloys into Rube Goldberg Devices

    Teaching Materials | 05 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Joyce Allen, NNCI Nano

    This lesson consists of two parts. In Part 1, students determine which of set of wires is a unique metal alloy called Nitinol. Nitinol is called a shape memory alloy (an SMA) because it can “remember” its original shape under certain conditions after being bent, twisted, or...

  7. Solar Ovens: Understanding Energy Transfer

    Teaching Materials | 28 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Christina Levyssohn-Silva, NNCI Nano

    At the end of this lesson, students will understand that solar energy radiates from the sun to the Earth and gets trapped within the oven. Students will be able to explain how the thermal energy flows from the hot air to the cold water via conduction and will indicate that this would continue...

  8. Properties of Fluids

    Teaching Materials | 21 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Astrid Hernandez, NNCI Nano

    This lab explores the properties of water flow. This inquiry-based lab consists of 2 sections: the Guided Lab Activity and the Going Further (research) portion. The guided lab activity, performed on the first day, is designed to help students observe and understand the way fluids interact with...

  9. Nanomotors: Nanoscale Propulsion

    Teaching Materials | 15 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Paul Longwell, Chantelle Smith, Stephen Stillanos, NNCI Nano

    This lesson is designed to engage students in hands-on experiments that explore nanoscale propulsion principles and guide students in recognizing and analyzing differences between macroscale and nanoscale propulsion systems.

  10. Nanoparticles Land to Ocean: Understanding the Effect of Nanoparticle Pollutants

    Teaching Materials | 15 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Chloe Figuerido, NNCI Nano (editor)

    Pollution, both macroscopic and microscopic, is an important environmental issue for aquatic ecosystems. For this lab, students will model how nanoparticle pollution travels from land to water. This lab isa 2-part series of labs designed to help students understand the effect that nanoscale...

  11. Quantum Dots: Real-world Particles in a Box

    Teaching Materials | 15 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Joyce Allen, NNCI Nano

    The purpose of this activity is to show that nanosize particles of a given substance often exhibit different properties and behavior than macro or micro size particles of the same material. The property studied in this activity is the absorption and reflection of light which is based on energy...

  12. Doping to Create a Semiconductor: Changing conductive properties through diffusion

    Teaching Materials | 14 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Kaye Sheets, NNCI Nano

    In the semiconductor industry scientists take advantage of diffusion to “dope” or introduce atoms into a silicon wafer to change its conductive properties. The lesson simulates the diffusion of a gas phase substance (ammonia) into a solid substrate (gelatin)  and compares the...

  13. Hiding Behind the Mask: A Fabrication Activity Focused on Etching

    Teaching Materials | 13 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: John Gomm, NNCI Nano

    This lab is designed to help students understand one aspect of semiconductor manufacture: selective layering. The activity focuses on electrochemical etching which is used in semiconductor manufacturing.

  14. How Catalysts Work - A Nanoscale Phenomenon

    Teaching Materials | 13 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Manueal Casillas, NNCI Nano

    This activity helps students understand how catalysts work on the nanoscale. Catalyst are more efficient when on the nanoscale because of the large amount of surface area in comparison to volume. This is a great way to introduce or review reactants, catalysts, and adsorption, desorption, and...

  15. CDs and DVDs as Diffraction Gratings

    Teaching Materials | 13 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Rama Balachandran, Karen Porter Davis, NNCI Nano

    The objective of this lab is to compare the diffraction behavior of light waves between a CD and DVD. CDs and DVDs contain regularly spaced micrometer sized features which can act like a diffraction grating. Using commercial electronic storage devices like CDs and DVDs as gratings rather than...

  16. What Does Nanotechnology Have to Do with Magnetism? A Ferrofluids Activity

    Teaching Materials | 13 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Joyce Allen, NNCI Nano

    Ferrofluid is a unique material that has both magnetic and liquid properties. It is a colloidal solution of nano-sized particles of magnetite suspended in a liquid. This activity will review what students know about magnetism and compares that knowledge to how ferrofluid behaves.

  17. Nanotechnology in Electronics: An Introduction to the units on LEDs, Thermistors, and Transistors

    Teaching Materials | 12 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Jacyln Murray, NNCI Nano

    The purpose of the following group of lab units is to illustrate properties associated with nanotechnology and the electronics industry through utilization of semiconductors.  By using macro-examples of actual nano-circuitry, students will understand what is happening on the...

  18. Turning Fruit Juice into Graphene Quantum Dots

    Teaching Materials | 06 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: John Gomm, NNCI Nano

    Graphene, a sub-nanometer thick sheet made of carbon, was isolated just over a decade ago (2004), yet swiftly won the Nobel Prize for Geim and Novoselov in 2010 for its properties of high strength, conductivity, and transparency. Students will replicate the procedure used to isolate graphene...

  19. Seeing Nano II: Using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to see Nano-size Objects

    Teaching Materials | 06 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Samantha Andrews, NNCI Nano

    Students will explore the storage capacities of CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs using an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). The AFM allows us to image objects that are extremely small in size, often on the nanoscale (10-9m). Students will access an AFM via Remotely Accessible Instruments for...

  20. Refraction of Light: Forensics Lab

    Teaching Materials | 06 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Karen Porter-Davis, NNCI Nano

    This lesson uses forensic science investigations to help students understand the refraction of light. Using The Marching Band Analogy, the students firsts “experience” how wavelengths of light can slow and bend.