Tags: Simulation

Resources (121-140 of 244)

  1. ECE 595E Lecture 11: Fast Fourier Transforms

    Online Presentations | 08 Feb 2013 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

    Outline:Recap from WednesdayFourier AnalysisScalings and SymmetriesSampling TheoremDiscrete Fourier TransformsNaïve approachDanielson-Lanczos lemmaCooley-Tukey algorithmExamples

  2. ECE 595E Lecture 10: Solving Quantum Wavefunctions

    Online Presentations | 01 Feb 2013 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

    Outline:Recap from MondaySchrodinger’s equationInfinite & Finite Quantum WellsKronig-Penney modelNumerical solutions:Real spaceFourier space

  3. ECE 595E Lecture 9: Programming for Linear Algebra

    Online Presentations | 01 Feb 2013 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

    Outline:Recap from FridayApplication ExamplesElectrostatic potential (Poisson’s equation)1D array of charge2D grid of chargeArrays of interacting spins1D interaction along a chain2D nearest-neighbor coupling

  4. ECE 595E Lecture 8: Eigenvalues

    Online Presentations | 29 Jan 2013 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

    Outline:Recap from WednesdayEigenproblem Solution TechniquesPower MethodsInverse IterationAtomic TransformationsFactorization Methods

  5. ECE 595E Lecture 7: Optimization and Eigenvalues

    Online Presentations | 29 Jan 2013 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

  6. ECE 595E Lecture 6: Finding Special Values

    Online Presentations | 29 Jan 2013 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

    Outline:Recap from WednesdayRoot FindingBisectionNewton-Raphson methodBrent’s methodOptimizationGolden Section SearchBrent’s MethodDownhill SimplexConjugate gradient methodsMultiple level, single linkage (MLSL)

  7. ECE 595E Lecture 5: Linear Algebra

    Online Presentations | 18 Jan 2013 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

    Outline:Recap from MondayOverview: Computational Linear AlgebraGaussian EliminationLU DecompositionSingular Value DecompositionSparse MatricesQR Decomposition

  8. ECE 595E Numerical Simulations for Energy Applications

    Courses | 17 Jan 2013 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

  9. ECE 595E Lecture 3: Computability

    Online Presentations | 17 Jan 2013 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

    Outline:Overview • DefinitionsComputing MachinesChurch-Turing ThesisPolynomial TimeExample

  10. ECE 595E Lecture 4: NP-hardness

    Online Presentations | 17 Jan 2013 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

    Outline:Recap from FridayClass NPNon-deterministic Turing machinesReducibilityCook-Levin theoremCoping with NP Hardness

  11. ECE 595E Lecture 2: Problems in Numerical Computing

    Online Presentations | 11 Jan 2013 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

    Outline:Overall GoalsFinding Special ValuesFourier TransformsEigenproblemsOrdinary Differential EquationsPartial Differential Equations

  12. ECE 595E Lecture 1: Introduction to Numerical Simulations

    Online Presentations | 11 Jan 2013 | Contributor(s):: Peter Bermel

    Outline:MotivationMy Background and ResearchTopics for This ClassGoals for This ClassAssignmentsGrading

  13. [Illinois] Coarse-grained Simulation of Ion Channels

    Online Presentations | 29 Dec 2012 | Contributor(s):: Umberto Ravaioli

    This Summer School will train students in molecular simulation and simulation at multiple time and length scales. Instruction will be provided on quantum Monte Carlo simulation, molecular dynamics, coarse-grained simulations, and multiscale simulations with opportunities for hands-on experience...

  14. The Single-Atom Transistor: How It Was Created and What It May Mean for the Future

    Online Presentations | 21 Dec 2012 | Contributor(s):: Gerhard Klimeck

    Professor Gerhard Klimeck will be coming to speak on his research with single atom transistors.

  15. ECE 606 Lecture 26: The Future of Computational Electronics

    Online Presentations | 20 Dec 2012 | Contributor(s):: Gerhard Klimeck

    Future Transistors and Single Atom Transistors; New Modeling Tools (NEMO); nanoHUB: Cloud Computing - Software as a Service

  16. [Illinois] CSE Seminar Series: Advances in First-principles Computational Materials Science

    Online Presentations | 20 Nov 2012 | Contributor(s):: Elif Ertekin

    Title: Advances in first-principles computational materials science Subtitle: Things we can calculate now, that we couldn't when I was in grad school. The capability to rationally design new materials with tailored properties and functionality on a computer remains a grand challenge whose...

  17. MSE 597GM Lecture 7: Introduction to VKML

    Online Presentations | 26 Sep 2012 | Contributor(s):: R. Edwin García

  18. MSE 597GM Lecture 8: VKML Tutorial/Python Crash Course

    Online Presentations | 26 Sep 2012 | Contributor(s):: R. Edwin García

  19. MSE 597GM Lecture 1: Course Introduction

    Online Presentations | 11 Sep 2012 | Contributor(s):: R. Edwin García

  20. [Illinois] Coarse-grained Simulation of Ion Channels

    Online Presentations | 19 Jun 2012 | Contributor(s):: Umberto Ravaioli