Tags: tool:s4sim

All Categories (1-14 of 14)

  1. Why the result is not correct when sweeping freqency?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 6


    when I simulate a periodic nanostructure, the result is not correct when i sweep the freqency using a 'for' loop. In the result, it seems like the error is so...


  2. TiO2 layer over the sides of a grating period

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 2



    I have reproduced some simple simulation with gratings using this software and all of them gave the exact answer I wanted. But when I am trying to do a...


  3. Are there any flags that could be used to alter (i.e. improve) the convergence rate

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1

    We are experiencing slow convergence in that 216, 432 and then 864 Fourier modes' results are still changing slightly. 1728 modes would not run in a practical amount of time. Are there any...


  4. Is there an example that uses a DBR stack?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 0

    Becoming acquainted with this software, I've tried to verify it's calculations using a distributed Bragg reflector geometry.  However, I am not able to get the calculations to match...


  5. why the materials can’t be defined as anisotropy material

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1

    in s4 ,the materials can be off-diagonal term, epsilon_xy , this can be used if P_MOKE calculation, but in this tools in this web, material is isotropy. 

    i look forward to the...


  6. Why do grating periods< 1 result in a strange permittivity profile?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1


    when I try to simulate a lamellar grating with period &lt; 0, the function GetEpsilon gives out some unexpected values. Is there anything that needs to be considered when...


  7. 2D Grating with periods < 1 give a strange permittivity

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1


    I am just tryling to use S4 for a simple lamellar grating analysis. When I fix the period to values &lt; 1, the calculated permittivity looks really strange. Is there any...


  8. How to select polarization of the incident wave?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 0

    I want to make incident TM or p-polarized wave onto a substrate which is 1D grating. I selected |E_s|=0 and |E_p| = 1. But the output is not at all changing with change in...


  9. what is the difference between AddLayer(‘slab’) and A

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 0

    In the controll file, what is is the difference between AddLayer('slab') and AddLayer('layer')? Should they be the same?

    Most of the examples use Add('slab') to...


  10. How does S4 rescale the unit in the control file?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1

    How do we rescale the unit in the control file? I notice the S4 will rescale the first wavelength to 0.9 in the control file.

    Should we do the same thing if we code our control...


  11. Can S4 be used to simulate vertical tapering nanowire arrays by divide the arrays into different levels?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1

    I try to simulate the optical reflectance of vertical tapering nanowire arrays(nanowires have smaller top diameter and larger bottom diameter ). I divide the arrays into several levels(Each...


  12. Why is there a discrepancy between the control file interface and the GUI?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 0

    I am simulating a 1D grating with a square wave pattern. I started with the GUI and received a decent result. However, when I downloaded the associated Control File and tried to use it in the S4...


  13. How can I define the thickness of each layer in S4?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 1


  14. What does lattice vector means in the S4 simulation set up?

    Q&A|Open | Responses: 1

    While setting up the simulation in S4 solver, under the “layers“tab there is a field where the co ordinates for the lattice vector are to be filled. What does it means ?
