Thermoelectric Device Compact Model 1.0.0

By Xufeng Wang1, Kyle Conrad2, Jesse Maassen3, Mark Lundstrom1

1. Purdue University 2. Texas Instruments 3. Dalhousie University

The NEEDS thermoelectric compact model describes a homogeneous segment of thermoelectric material and serves as a basic building block for complex electrothermal system.

Listed in Compact Models | publication by group NEEDS: New Era Electronic Devices and Systems

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Version 1.0.0 - published on 02 Sep 2015 doi:10.4231/D3TH8BP0W - cite this Last public release: 1.1.0

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three-port model for the thermoelectric device electrical and thermal equivalent circuit for a single TE segment thermal electric cooler and heater are two simple devices that can be built using the compact model


The NEEDS thermoelectric compact model ( describes a homogeneous segment of thermoelectric material and serves as a basic building block for complex electrothermal system. This work is derived from Kyle Conrad’s thesis.

The compact model has three sets of terminal pairs (or ports). The compact model, at its heart, is a simple linear resistor between the electrical port. To calculate the thermal effects, we also need to know the temperature at each electrical contact. Thus, there are two additional ports for temperatures.

Build-in effects include the electrical and thermal resistances, Seebeck and Peltier effects, Joule heating, and heat capacitances. 

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Key References

  • Bulman, G. E., et al. (2006). "Large external ΔT and cooling power densities in thin-film Bi2Te3-superlattice thermoelectric cooling devices." Applied Physics Letters 89(12): 122117.
  • Conrad, K. (2015). A physics-based compact model for thermoelectric devices. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University. Master of Science: 128.
  • McAndrew, C. C. and T. Bettinger (2012). "Robust Parameter Extraction for the R3 Nonlinear Resistor Model for Diffused and Poly Resistors." IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 25(4): 555-563.

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  • Initial release of the NEEDS thermoelectric device compact model