NCN Nanoelectronics: Simulation Tools for Research



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Many simulation tools are available on the nanoHUB. The tools have been well-tested and here include supporting materials so that they can be effectively used for education or intelligently used for research. The research tools include a first time users guide and supporting publications and theses.

Click here for a list of recommended simulation tools for education.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • (2007), "NCN Nanoelectronics: Simulation Tools for Research,"

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In This Series

  1. Schred

    Tools | 30 Mar 2006 | Contributor(s): Dragica Vasileska, Shaikh S. Ahmed, Gokula Kannan, Matteo Mannino, Gerhard Klimeck, Mark Lundstrom, Akira Matsudaira, Junzhe Geng | 4103 users

    SCHRED simulation software calculates the envelope wavefunctions and the corresponding bound-state energies in a typical MOS, SOS and a typical SOI structure.

  2. Band Structure Lab

    Tools | 19 May 2006 | Contributor(s): Samik Mukherjee, Kai Miao, Abhijeet Paul, Neophytos Neophytou, Raseong Kim, Junzhe Geng, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Christoph Kubis, Arvind Ajoy, Bozidar Novakovic, James Fonseca, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Sebastian Steiger, Michael McLennan, Mark Lundstrom, Gerhard Klimeck | 11806 users

    Computes the electronic and phonon structure of various materials in the spatial configuration of bulk , quantum wells, and wires

  3. NanoMOS

    Tools | 19 May 2006 | Contributor(s): , Sebastien Goasguen, Akira Matsudaira, Shaikh S. Ahmed, Kurtis Cantley, Yang Liu, Yunfei Gao, Xufeng Wang, Mark Lundstrom | 4120 users

    2-D simulator for thin body (less than 5 nm), fully depleted, double-gated n-MOSFETs

  4. Modeling Interface-defect Generation (MIG)

    Tools | 18 Jul 2006 | Contributor(s): Ahmad Ehteshamul Islam, HALDUN KUFLUOGLU, Muhammad A. Alam | 740 users

    Analyzes device reliability based on NBTI

  5. CNTbands

    Tools | 14 Dec 2006 | Contributor(s): Gyungseon Seol, Youngki Yoon, James K Fodor, Jing Guo, Akira Matsudaira, Diego Kienle, Gengchiau Liang, Gerhard Klimeck, Mark Lundstrom, Ahmed Ibrahim Saeed | 9465 users

    This tool simulates E-k and DOS of CNTs and graphene nanoribbons.

  6. NanoNet

    Tools | 17 Jan 2007 | Contributor(s): Satish Kumar, Man Prakash Gupta, Ninad Pimparkar, Jayathi Murthy, Muhammad Alam | 822 users

    A simulation tool for Thin films transistors based on network of nanotubes or nanowires

  7. PETE : Purdue Emerging Technology Evaluator

    Tools | 26 Jun 2007 | Contributor(s): Arijit Raychowdhury, Charles Augustine, Yunfei Gao, Mark Lundstrom, Kaushik Roy | 924 users

    Estimate circuit level performance and power of novel devices