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marzieh jafarian

Does behave Band structure Lab for circular nanowire wrong?

Hello I use the Band structure Lab for simulation of characteristics circular NanoWire. According to 1-3 in the case of 100 and 111 SiNWs, tensile strain enhances the direct band gap characteristic, whereas compressive strain attenuates it, whereas with use the Band structure Lab compressive strain enhances the direct band gap characteristic and tensile strain attenuates it. I’m really dizzy. 1. K. Hong, J. Kim, S. Lee, and J. Shin, Nano Lett. 8, 1335 (2008). 2. P. Leu, A. Svizhenko, and K. Cho, Phys. Rev. B 77, 235305 (2008). 3. D. Shiri, Y. Kong, A. Buin, and M. Anantram, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 073114 (2008).

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1 Responses

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    Saumitra Raj Mehrotra

    Hi, There was a slight issue while applying the uniaxial strain direction in NW in the BS-LAB. It should be fixed in a couple of days.


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      Elkins Elkins

      Game typically involves a strategy where players manage the spread or movement of resources, particles, or agents across a two-dimensional grid. In such games, diffusion refers to the way elements move from one point to another, following rules of distribution or balance. A slot gacor on the other hand, is a highly popular type of slot machine game in online casinos, known for offering frequent wins or high chances of payouts. Combining these two concepts could involve a 2-D slot game where players manage elements diffusing across a grid, aiming to hit winning combinations or bonuses.

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