Nano Education Resources

By Quinn Spadola1, Lisa Friedersdorf2

1. Georgia Tech 2. National Nanotechnology Coordination Office

This is a database of nanoeducation resources that can be searched, filtered, and sorted. Resources are listed by topic area, grade level, core discipline, STEM content area, and resource type.

Listed in Datasets | publication by group Nano Education Resources Group

Version 3.0.0 - published on 14 Mar 2017 doi:10.4231/D3K35MF70 - cite this

Licensed under CC0 - Creative Commons

CNSI Square.png Buckyball transp.png NEATEC logo.png cK12 Logo square-610.png omni-logo.png dftv_header_home square.jpg ICE_Logo_Header3.png mcrel-logo square.png molecularium_logo square.png mwm_banner_2007a square.gif nano-link-3 square.png nano4me logo square.png nanoHUB_mark_color crop.png nanooze_logo800 square.png NanoSense Logo square.png NanoYou logo square.png nanozoneA1_1square.jpg NISENet logo square.png nnin_logo square.gif NSTA logo square.png TryNano.png U Wiscweb_logo square.jpg UVA Virtual Lab square.jpg


This database lists nanoscale science and engineering education resources by topic area, grade level, core discipline, STEM content area, and resource type.  It also indicates whether the resource is inquiry based, mapped to the NAE Framework for K12 Science Education, and the nanoscience big ideas involved. Links to the organizations that created the resources are provided.

The contributing organizations are:

California NanoSystems Institute

CK-12 Foundation


Institute for Chemical Education

McREL Nanoleap


MWM Materials World Modules 








NEATEC - Northeast Advanced Technology Education Center

NISE Network 

NNIN Nanotechnology Education

North Carolina State University Nanoscale Education Group

NSTA Learning Center

Omni Nano


University of Wisconsin MRSEC

Virtual Lab: Nanoscience Class Homepage


The content was originally published in: 

Workshop Report: International Benchmark Workshop on K-12 Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education (NSEE) Washington, DC, 6-7 December 2010, Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Dr. James S. Murday, University of Southern California.

The latest NSEE workshop report is:

Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education (NSEE) – the Next Steps Workshop Report, December 11-12, 2014, Arlington, Virginia, Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Award Number: EEC-144807, Dr. James Murday, University of Southern California.




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Version 3 has the following changes:

  • More links go directly to resources
  • Database content has been checked and more information about resources added (for example, which Big Ideas in nanoscience are addressed.)
  • Expired content has been removed
  • New contributors have been added, including Omni Nano and NEATEC

Nano Education Resources Group

Nano Education Resources Group group image