Optical Ring Modulator ModSpec Compact Model 1.0.0

By Lily Weng1, Tianshi Wang2

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2. University of California, Berkeley

The optical ring modulator presented here is a vertical junction resonant microring/disk modulator which can achieve high modulation speed, lower power consumption and compact size. A Matlab-based ModSpec compact model is developed and simulated.

Listed in Compact Models | publication by group NEEDS: New Era Electronic Devices and Systems

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Version 1.0.0 - published on 05 Jan 2017 doi:10.4231/D31N7XN9P - cite this

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The optical ring modulator presented here is a vertical junction resonant microring/disk modulator which can achieve high modulation speed, lower power consumption and compact size. A Matlab-based ModSpec compact model is developed and simulated in this project.

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