Spin Switch Model 1.0.0

By Samiran Ganguly1, Kerem Yunus Camsari2, Supriyo Datta1

1. Purdue University 2. UC Santa Barbara

We present a circuit/compact model for the Spin Switch created using a Verilog-A based library of "spintronic lego blocks" building upon previous works on spin transport.

Listed in Compact Models | publication by group NEEDS: New Era Electronic Devices and Systems

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Version 1.0.0 - published on 28 Oct 2014 doi:10.4231/D3C824F8D - cite this

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We present a circuit/compact model for the Spin Switch[1] created using a Verilog-A based library of "spintronic lego blocks" [2,3] building upon previous works on spin transport[4-6]. This modular approach allows considerable ease in integrating diverse physical theories[7] needed to build models for complex spintronic devices. This approach further allows flexibility of inclusion of new materials and phenomena in existing spin device designs, critical in keeping pace with developments in the field of spintronics.

The Spin Switch is a complex spintronic device, based on a combination of multiple spin transport effects viz. Giant Spin Hall Effect (GSHE), Spin-Transfer Torque (STT), Tunneling-Magneto Resistance (TMR) along with nano-magnet dynamics (LLG eqn.) and dipolar coupling of thin film magnets, and demonstrates device properties of gain, I/O isolation, and non-volatility. In addition, these switches connect to each other using ordinary charge currents, making it a potential candidate for novel applications in large scale circuits[1,8,9].

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