UCSB Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnect Compact Model 1.0.0

By Junkai Jiang1, Wei Cao2, Kaustav Banerjee1

1. University of California, Santa Barbara 2. University of California Santa Barbara

UCSB GNR interconnect model is based on a distributed RLC circuit, in which carrier mean free path, graphene doping concentration (Fermi level) and number of layers are considered. The model was originally published by UCSB NRL group.

Listed in Compact Models | publication by group NEEDS: New Era Electronic Devices and Systems

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Version 1.0.0 - published on 30 Apr 2015 doi:10.4231/D34Q7QR19 - cite this

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UCSB GNR interconnect model is based on a distributed RLC circuit, in which carrier mean free path, graphene doping concentration (Fermi level) and number of layers are considered. The model was originally published by our group in (Xu, Chuan et al. TED 2009). Using a simple tight-binding model and the linear response Landauer formula, the resistance per unit length of GNR is derived. In addition to the resistance, the quantum capacitance, kinetic inductance and quantum contact resistance are considered. This model is compatible with both DC and transient simulations. Current version of the model only supports the model of armchair GNR (ac-GNR), and only complete diffusive edge (edge specularity p = 0). 

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Key References

C. Xu, H. Li, and K. Banerjee, "Modeling, analysis, and design of graphene nano-ribbon interconnects," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 1567-1578, 2009.

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Current version of the model only supports the model of armchair GNR (ac-GNR), and only complete diffusive edge (edge specularity p = 0). Zigzag GNR (zz-GNR) and non-diffusive edge scatterings will be considered in later versions. 

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