[Illinois]: Sigmoidal unit training with the delta rule

By Lisa Sproat1; NanoBio Node1; Jessica S Johnson1

1. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Uses the delta rule to train a single sigmoidal unit with feedback to simulate the responses of neurons in the parabigeminal nucleus

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Version 1.0aw - published on 18 Mar 2015

doi:10.4231/D32F7JS19 cite this

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Anastasio, T. J. (2009). Tutorial on neural systems modeling. Sinauer Associates, Incorporated.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Lisa Sproat, NanoBio Node, Jessica S Johnson (2015), "[Illinois]: Sigmoidal unit training with the delta rule," https://nanohub.org/resources/pbndeltarule. (DOI: 10.4231/D32F7JS19).

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