Short-Wavelength Spin-Wave Generation by a Microstrip Line

By Adam Papp1; Wolfgang Porod1

1. Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN

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IWCE 2015 presentation.  We investigate the use of microstrip lines for short-wavelength spin-wave generation in magnetic thin films. We use micromagnetic and electromagnetic simulations to estimate the generated wave amplitudes for different geometries and at different frequencies. Our results suggest that in applications where coherent wavefronts need to be generated a microstrip line might also be used instead of more complicated devices (e.g. spin-torque oscillators) with comparable efficiency.


Adam Papp I am from Hungary, I received both my B.S. and M.S. degree in Computer Engineering from the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary, where my advisors were Árpád Csurgay and György Csaba. The department had a special focus on bionics and wave computing (e.g. CNN architecture). During my masters my interests drifted towards microelectronics. I got an internship at Notre Dame in the summer of 2012 which was renewed for the spring semester of 2013. I was mostly doing simulations on Nanomagnetic Logic (NML) devices, which was also my thesis topic. This connection led me to the Ph.D. program of Notre Dame, where I continue the work I started earlier.


In collaboration with György Csaba and Wolfgang Porod. This research was supported by the NSF NEB2020 grant and by a gift from Intel Corporation.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Papp, Adam, "Short-Wavelength Spin-Wave Generation by a Microstrip Line,"  in Computational Electronics (IWCE) 2015 International Workshop on, DOI: 10.1109/IWCE.2015.7301979

  • Adam Papp, Wolfgang Porod (2015), "Short-Wavelength Spin-Wave Generation by a Microstrip Line,"

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Short-Wavelength Spin-Wave Generation by a Microstrip Line
  • Short-wavelength spin-wave generation by a microstrip line 1. Short-wavelength spin-wave gen… 0
  • Spin waves 2. Spin waves 58.758758758758759
  • Motivation I 3. Motivation I 109.64297630964298
  • Motivation II 4. Motivation II 162.36236236236238
  • Devices for spin-wave generation 5. Devices for spin-wave generati… 218.4517851184518
  • Design model 6. Design model 256.75675675675677
  • Magnetic field of a microstrip line 7. Magnetic field of a microstrip… 308.44177510844179
  • Generated waves (OOMMF simulation) 8. Generated waves (OOMMF simulat… 317.48415081748414
  • Bias field and frequency 9. Bias field and frequency 361.86186186186188
  • Width and thickness 10. Width and thickness 431.96529863196531
  • HFSS simulations for BLS experiment 11. HFSS simulations for BLS exper… 532.69936603269934
  • Conclusions 12. Conclusions 571.87187187187192