TE/TM polarisation response of InAs/GaAs quantum dot bilayers

By Muhammad Usman

University of Melbourne

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Quantum dot bilayers are strong candidates for the design of telecom devices working at 1300 nm wavelength range. Here we analyse - both experimentally and theoretically - their optical and polarisation properties.  


Muhammad Usman, Susannah Heck, Edmund Clarke, Peter Spencer, Hoon Ryu, Ray Murray, Gerhard Klimeck, Experimental and theoretical study of polarisation-dependent optical transitions in InAs quantum dots at telecommunication-wavelengths (1300-1500 nm), J. of Applied Physics 109, 104510 (2011)

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Muhammad Usman (2015), "TE/TM polarisation response of InAs/GaAs quantum dot bilayers," https://nanohub.org/resources/22973.

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