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A Python Environment for Reproducible Dynamical Modeling of Biological Networks
Tellurium provides the interfacial code to convert between standard formats and utilize powerful libraries without requiring technical expertise, allowing you to focus on what’s important: building better models. Tellurium also provides first-class support for exchangeability via COMBINE archives, allowing you to share your models and simulations with other tools.
- Tellurium provides an interface to powerful ODE/stochastic simulators such as libroadrunner.
- Tellurium allows you to build your models using a human-readable analog of SBML called Antimony.
- Tellurium is the only tool that allows you to interactively edit the models and simulations contained in COMBINE archives.
- Tellurium can be used via a GUI front-end (such as Tellurium Spyder or Tellurium Notebook as shown below) with support for advanced productivity and interactive editing features or installed via pip.
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