From Semi-Classical to Quantum Transport Modeling

By Dragica Vasileska

Arizona State University



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This set of powerpoint slides series provides insight on what are the tools available for modeling devices that behave either classically or quantum-mechanically. An in-depth description is provided to the approaches with emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Conclusions are drawn about the applicability of each approach. There are additional teaching materials that can be found on the nanohub that give more in-depth knowledge about each topic being addressed in this series.

The complete lecture series includes:

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Invited review paper, Modeling Coulomb effects in nanoscale devices, Vasileska, D. Khan, H.R.; Ahmed, S.S. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 5, Number 9, September 2008, pp. 1793-1827(35).

    Invited review paper: D. Vasileska, K. Raleva, S.M. Goodnick, Modeling heating effects in nanoscale devices: the present and the future, Journal of Comp. Electronics, DOI 10.1007/s10825-008-0254-y (2008).

    Invited review paper for special issue, Semiconductor Device Modeling, Vasileska, D.; Mamaluy, D.; Khan, H.R.; Raleva, K.; Goodnick, S.M., Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 5, Number 6, June 2008 , pp. 999-1030(32).

    S. M. Goodnick and D. Vasileska, "Computational Electronics", Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Vol. 2, Ed. By K. H. J. Buschow, R. W. Cahn, M. C. Flemings, E. J. Kramer and S. Mahajan, Elsevier, New York, 2001, pp. 1456-1471.

    D. Vasileska and S. M. Goodnick, "Computational Electronics", Materials Science and Engineering, Reports: A Review Journal, Vol. R38, No. 5, pp. 181-236 (2002).

    Book chapter in Computational Atomic Nanodesign, Edited by Michael Rieth and Wolfram Schommers (2005).

    D. Vasileska and S. M. Goodnick, Computational Electronics, Morgan and Claypool, 2006.

  • Dragica Vasileska (2009), "From Semi-Classical to Quantum Transport Modeling,"

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In This Series

  1. From Semi-Classical to Quantum Transport Modeling: What is Computational Electronics?

    Teaching Materials | 10 Aug 2009 | Contributor(s): Dragica Vasileska | 2371 users

    This set of powerpoint slides series provides insight on what are the tools available for modeling devices that behave either classically or quantum-mechanically. An in-depth description is provided to the approaches with emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Conclusions...

  2. From Semi-Classical to Quantum Transport Modeling: Drift-Diffusion and Hydrodynamic Modeling

    Teaching Materials | 10 Aug 2009 | Contributor(s): Dragica Vasileska | 5191 users

    This set of powerpoint slides series provides insight on what are the tools available for modeling devices that behave either classically or quantum-mechanically. An in-depth description is provided to the approaches with emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Conclusions...

  3. From Semi-Classical to Quantum Transport Modeling: Particle-Based Device Simulations

    Teaching Materials | 10 Aug 2009 | Contributor(s): Dragica Vasileska | 2689 users

    This set of powerpoint slides series provides insight on what are the tools available for modeling devices that behave either classically or quantum-mechanically. An in-depth description is provided to the approaches with emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Conclusions...

  4. From Semi-Classical to Quantum Transport Modeling: Quantum Corrections to Semiclassical Approaches

    Teaching Materials | 10 Aug 2009 | Contributor(s): Dragica Vasileska | 4097 users

    This set of powerpoint slides series provides insight on what are the tools available for modeling devices that behave either classically or quantum-mechanically. An in-depth description is provided to the approaches with emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Conclusions...

  5. From Semi-Classical to Quantum Transport Modeling: Quantum Transport - Usuki Method and Theoretical Description of Green's Functions

    Teaching Materials | 10 Aug 2009 | Contributor(s): Dragica Vasileska | 1760 users

    This set of powerpoint slides series provides insight on what are the tools available for modeling devices that behave either classically or quantum-mechanically. An in-depth description is provided to the approaches with emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Conclusions...

  6. From Semi-Classical to Quantum Transport Modeling: Quantum Transport - Recursive Green's function method, CBR approach and Atomistic

    Teaching Materials | 10 Aug 2009 | Contributor(s): Dragica Vasileska | 2809 users

    This set of powerpoint slides series provides insight on what are the tools available for modeling devices that behave either classically or quantum-mechanically. An in-depth description is provided to the approaches with emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Conclusions...