Illinois Tools: Basic Bulk Silicon Transport Data at 300K

By Kyeong-hyun Park1; Mohamed Mohamed1; Nahil Sobh1

1. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Calculations of doped bulk silicon transport data

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Archive Version 1.1
Published on 19 Jan 2010
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doi:10.4231/D3930NV01 cite this

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This module calculates the transport data of impurity-doped silicon at 300K in order to enhance the learning experiences for those studying introductory Solid State Devices. Select which type of impurities is doped into silicon by clicking the 'Type of Doping' drop-down menu, then enter the appropriate numbers for the doping concentration (N) and Electric Field. Note that the data for majority and minority carrier mobilities, resistivity, and minority carrier lifetime are computed based only on the doping concentration, and the data for carrier drift velocity is based only on electric field. Exact values for the data will be displayed on 'Output Data' menu once 'Simulate' button is clicked. Other relevant parameters and drift current density calculated using both doping concentration and electric field will be also shown on the ouput log without a plot.

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  1. Ben G. Streetman and S.K.Banerjee, "Solid State Electronic Devices (6th edition)", (Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006)
  2. D.M Caughey and R.E Thomas, "Carrier Mobility in Silicon Empirically Related to Doping and Field",Proc. IEEE vol.55 p.2192 1967
  3. J.del Alamo, S.Swirhun, and R.M Swanson, "Simultaneous measurement of hole lifetime, hole mobility and bandgap narrowing in heavily doped n-type silicon," IEDM Technical Digest, p.290-293, 1985
  4. Mark Lundstrom, "Fundamentals of Carrier Transport(2nd edition)" (Cambridge University Press, 2000)
  5. S.E Swirhun, Y.H Kwark, and R.M Swanson, "Measurement of electron lifetime, electron mobility and bandgap narrowing in heavily doped p-type silicon," IDEM Technical Digest, p.24-27, 1986
  6. Yuan Taur, Tak H. Ning, "Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices" (Cambridge University Press, 1998)
  7. The image is given in:

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Kyeong-hyun Park, Mohamed Mohamed, Nahil Sobh (2014), "Illinois Tools: Basic Bulk Silicon Transport Data at 300K," (DOI: 10.4231/D3930NV01).

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