Crystal Viewer Lab (New Interactive Front End)

Visualize and interact with various Crystalline Materials and all Bravais Lattices

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Version 0.2.5b - published on 20 Sep 2023

doi:10.21981/X2S5-G986 cite this

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Crystal Viewer enables the interactive visualization different Bravais lattices, crystal planes, and materials (diamond, silicon, indium arsenide, gallium arsenide, copper, rocksalt etc) and visualizes 14 Bravais lattices.   Users can see typical "Text Book" unit cells, primitive unit cells and visualize how the primitive cell makes up a larger structure.  Users can also see a larger chunk of crystal into which they can lay in Miller planes and move these planes around. 

The Bravais lattice visualization 

The new Crystal Viewer Lab provides the user with a new interactive experience.  compared to the legacy Crystal Viewer.  New Lab immediately provides different visualizations since crystals are preloaded into the tool. The user can explore results immediately without running a simulation and different output selections are now accessible with more intuitive buttons, instead of Dropdown menus. 

Users can still configure the crystal sizes, lattice angles etc in a settings menu.   If these requests are not already precomputed the new tool sends a computational request to the original "Crystal Viewer" tool as a service.   This computing is completely transparent to the user. 

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Crystal Viewer 3.0 was written and developed by Yuanchen Chu as a PhD student at Purdue University. 

Various people are also involved in the development of Crystal Viewer 3.0:

Travis Shepherd, Yosef Borga, Vincent Ntarugera, Kevin Margatan, Zach Shaffter... SURF program students summer intern (< V3.0)

G. Klimeck, H.-H. Park, J. Fonseca, ;J. Sellier,M. Povolotskyi, S. Steiger, T. Kubis... NEMO 5 simulation engine (in alphabetical order)

Fan C... Add Graphene AB Stacking Visualization and SrTiO3

Tanya... Feature and design suggestion

Daniel. Mejia


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Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN), Purdue University

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Daniel F Mejia, Gerhard Klimeck, Yuanchen Chu (2023), "Crystal Viewer Lab (New Interactive Front End)," (DOI: 10.21981/X2S5-G986).

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