WHiTe Compact Models 2.1.3

This package provides a set of 4H silicon carbide high-temperature integrated device compact models, written in industry standard Verilog-A; currently included are a resistor and a junction field-effect transistor.

Listed in Compact Models

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Version 2.1.3 - published on 01 Oct 2020 doi:10.21981/AV8Q-X772 - cite this Last public release: 2.3.2

Licensed under NEEDS Modified CMC License according to these terms

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The WHiTe (Wood High-Temperature) JFET (junction field-effect transistor) compact model has been developed to aid in the design of 4H SiC (silicon carbide) ICs (integrated circuits) for hostile environments. Key features include:

  • bilateral channel modulation by independent dissimilar gates;
  • field-dependent channel mobility;
  • voltage-dependent output conductance in channel saturation;
  • an extensive operating temperature range;
  • innate support for extrinsic channel series resistance; and
  • an intuitive and coherent set of physical and empirical parameters.

A material and process-compatible resistor compact model has been concurrently developed.


Model Release Components

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NEW "VERBOSE" build option
NEW "__XYCE__" build option as an alias for "XYCE"
NEW device examples in user manual
FIX gaps in user manual
FIX typographical errors in user manual
CHANGE error messages
CHANGE warning messages
CHANGE Xyce device names to "WHiTe model-group version-tag"