Nanotechnology 501 Lecture Series

By Gerhard Klimeck (editor)1; Mark Lundstrom (editor)1; Joseph M. Cychosz (editor)1

1. Purdue University



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Welcome to Nanotechnology 501 (nano501), a series of lectures designed to provide an introduction to nanotechnology. This series is similar to our popular lecture series Nanotechnology 101, but it is directed at the graduate students and professionals.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Gerhard Klimeck, Mark Lundstrom, Joseph M. Cychosz (2005), "Nanotechnology 501 Lecture Series,"

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In This Series

  1. Fun in the Sand: Some Experiments in Granular Physics

    Online Presentations | 16 Feb 2010 | Contributor(s): Peter E. Schiffer | 340 users

    In the last two decades, condensed matter physicists have begun an intense study of the dynamic and static properties of granular media (materials made from individual acroscopic solid grains). These materials offer a vast arena of new physical phenomena which are highly accessible and largely...

  2. Developments in Metamaterials and Transformation Optics

    Online Presentations | 29 Mar 2010 | Contributor(s): David R. Smith | 861 users

    Metamaterials—artificially structured microcircuits that can mimic the electromagnetic response of atoms and molecules—have vastly expanded the opportunities available for the design of electromagnetic structures. Starting in 2000 with the first report of a “left-handed” metamaterial, for which...

  3. Addressing Molecular Dynamics Time-scale Issues to Study Atomic-scale Friction

    Online Presentations | 12 Oct 2010 | Contributor(s): Ashlie Martini | 526 users

    This presentation will include an introduction to several accelerated molecular dynamics methods. However, particular focus will be given to parallel replica (ParRep) dynamics in which atomistic simulations are run parallel in time to extend their total duration. The ParRep method is based on the...

  4. Energy Innovations in the 21st Century: Role of ARPA-E

    Online Presentations | 13 Oct 2010 | Contributor(s): Arunava Majumdar | 511 users

    We are living through a Sputnik moment in our nation’s history, where we have witnessed multiple wake up calls with regards to the need for innovating in energy technologies. ARPA-E was created to address this need by investing in high-risk/high-impact projects, with a mission to: (i) reduce...

  5. Innovations and a Sustainable Energy Future

    Online Presentations | 19 Oct 2010 | Contributor(s): Arunava Majumdar | 208 users

    Keynote speech for the 2010 Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) National Conference.

  6. Emerging Opportunities, Challenges, and Applications in Exascale Computing

    Online Presentations | 10 Mar 2011 | Contributor(s): Ananth Grama | 532 users

    The move towards exascale computing platforms (capable of 10^18 floating point operations) poses tremendous challenges, while presenting opportunities for foundational advances in a variety of application domains. In this talk, I will describe various technical issues that must be overcome to...

  7. A Half Century of Nonlinear Optics

    Online Presentations | 11 Mar 2011 | Contributor(s): Robert W. Boyd | 474 users

    In this talk, we first present a review of the development of the field of nonlinear optics, and we then survey some areas of recent research including quantum imaging and implications of the ability to control the group velocity of light.

  8. Responsible Authorship and Peer Review

    Online Presentations | 11 Mar 2011 | Contributor(s): James R. Wilson | 200 users

    This talk is based on an article that appeared in Science and Engineering Ethics and on an instructional module developed for the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Program of the NC State University Graduate School.

  9. Putting the Electron’s Spin to Work

    Online Presentations | 01 Apr 2011 | Contributor(s): Daniel Ralph | 808 users

    I will discuss recent progress in experimental techniques to control the orientations of nanoscale magnetic moments and electron spins, and to use these new means of control for applications. One powerful new capability arises from the fact that thin magnetic layers can act as filters for spins.

  10. The History of Semiconductor Heterostructures Research: From Early Double Heterostructure Concept to Modern Quantum Dot Structures

    Online Presentations | 21 Jun 2011 | Contributor(s): Zhores I. Alferov | 4702 users

    It would be very difficult today to imagine solid-state physics without semiconductor heterostructures. Semiconductor heterostructures and especially double heterostructures, including quantum wells, quantum wires and quantum dots, currently comprise the object of investigation of two thirds of...

  11. How to Make High Quality Plots in MATLAB

    Online Presentations | 29 Jul 2011 | Contributor(s): Mehdi Salmani Jelodar | 8285 users

    This presentation is a tutorial for plotting higher quality figures by Matlab. Basic elements of plots are introduced and the way to manipulate these elements by coding is explained. Tow methods for dual axis plotting is described. At the end an approach to print figures automatically (by coding)...

  12. Mathematics of Ions in Channels and Solutions: Stochastic Derivations, Direct, Variational and Inverse Solutions that fit Data

    Online Presentations | 03 Feb 2014 | Contributor(s): Bob Eisenberg | 857 users

    Literally thousands of biologists study the properties of channels in experiments every day. My collaborators and I have shown how the relevant equations can be derived (almost) from stochastic differential equations, and how they can be solved in inverse, variational, and direct problems using...

  13. Impedance Spectroscopy Methods Applied to Thermoelectric Materials and Devices

    Online Presentations | 10 Nov 2014 | Contributor(s): Jorge García-Cañadas | 1000 users

    Impedance spectroscopy is one of the most helpful techniques for the characterization of a wide range of devices (solar cells, supercapacitors, fuel cells, etc.). However, it is not extensively used in the thermoelectric field and most of existing work is mainly focused on determining the figure...

  14. A Tutorial Introduction to Negative-­Capacitor Landau Transistors: Perspectives on the Road Ahead

    Online Presentations | 03 Dec 2015 | Contributor(s): Muhammad A. Alam | 11009 users

    In this talk, I use a simple graphical approach to demystify the device and explain why the experimental results are easy to misinterpret. Since the NC-FET is just a special case of a much broader class of phase-change devices and systems (e.g., transistors, memories, MEMS, logic-in-memory...

  15. Adventures with Oxide Interfaces: Electronics, Magnetism, Memory, Energy and Biology

    Online Presentations | 24 Feb 2016 | Contributor(s): T. Venky Venkatesan | 550 users

    In this talk I share a personal close up view of the evolution of this field and where I see it going. I will cover polar/non-polar oxide interface conductivity, defect induced magnetism, FE tunnel junctions and some recent work on bio-oxide interfaces.

  16. Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetics after 150 Years

    Online Presentations | 09 Mar 2016 | Contributor(s): Weng Cho Chew | 1026 users

    In this presentation will discuss the history of different solution methods in electromagnetic theory, ranging from approximate methods, to fast numerical methods, namely, the computational electromagnetics methods. We will also discuss future directions in this area.

  17. Nanotechnology for Aerospace Research: Surface Science Applications

    Online Presentations | 29 Mar 2016 | Contributor(s): Dmitry Zemlyanov | 627 users

    Surface Analysis Facility at Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, equipped with state-of-art analytical equipment, which can greatly benefit many researchers from Schools of Engineering and College of Science. I would like to demonstrate examples of the studies using X-ray...

  18. Collective Sensing by Communicating Cells

    Online Presentations | 21 Sep 2016 | Contributor(s): Andrew Mugler | 279 users

    In this talk I will describe recent theoretical and experimental results in which this question is explored in several contexts, including gradient detection by groups of epithelial cells. I will show how communication allows cells to perform qualitatively new behaviors that single cells cannot...

  19. Optical Hyperspace: Light in Metamaterials with Hyperbolic Dispersion

    Online Presentations | 03 Nov 2016 | Contributor(s): Evgenii Narimanov | 467 users

    The composites with opposite signs of the dielectric permittivity in two orthogonal directions, known as the hyperbolic metamaterials, represent a new "universality class" of optical media, with the light behavior which is qualitatively different from that in either metals or...

  20. A Lightning Introduction to Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

    Online Presentations | 30 Apr 2018 | Contributor(s): Christopher Jarzynski | 644 users

    A brief and birds eye introduction to non-equilibrium statistical physics. This tutorial is organized around the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. It begins with brief review how the 1st and 2nd laws apply to macroscopic systems in the context of old fashion 19th century thermodynamics with...