MEMOSA-based 2-Dimensional Pull-In Voltage Simulation

By Peter Kolis

Purdue University

This tool determines the pull-in voltage and gap-vs-voltage curve of a RF-MEMS switch under electrostatic actuation

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Version 0.1.0 - published on 28 May 2015

doi:10.4231/D3862BC6D cite this

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This tool is a model of a RF-MEMS switch. The switch consists of a flexible membrane suspended over an electrode. When a voltage differential between the membrane and the electrode is applied, the electrostatic forces on the membrane cause it to deflect toward the electrode. The voltage at which the membrane comes into contact with the dielectric is called the pull-in voltage (PIV).

In this tool the user specifies the material properties, the geometric properties of the device, and a step size for an applied voltage. The applied voltage is initially zero and is incrementally increased by the voltage step size until pull-in occurs. The first output is the PIV. The second output is a plot of the gap (between the membrane and the dielectric) as a function of the applied voltage.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Peter Kolis (2015), "MEMOSA-based 2-Dimensional Pull-In Voltage Simulation," (DOI: 10.4231/D3862BC6D).

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