How to Write, Develop and Implement a Real Compact Model

By Colin McAndrew

Freescale Semiconductor, Tempe, AZ



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Compact models must get the physics right, work reliably over bias, geometry, and temperature, interact properly with the circuit simulators in which they are implemented, run efficiently, and follow impeccable software development practices. This workshop will be a detailed deep-dive into an industrial strength Verilog-A code for the R3 model for JFETs, diffused resistors, and polysilicon resistors. Do not think that a “resistor” is a trivially simple device to model: real resistors are affected by depletion pinching, velocity saturation, and self-heating, and to properly account for all of these effects, while ensuring no unphysical model behavior, is not trivial. But it is not as complex as a complete MOS or bipolar transistor model – so is ideal as a training vehicle for compact modeling.

The R3 compact model used in this workshop is published here under the list of NEEDS Compact Models.

For more information on this workshop see NEEDS Group page


Dr. Colin McAndrew  has been involved in compact modeling of bipolar, MOS, and passive devices for more than 25 years.  He received the Ph.D. degree in Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, in 1984. From 1987 to 1995 he was at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, PA, and since 1995 he has been with Freescale Semiconductor (formerly Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector), Tempe, AZ, where he is at present a Fellow of Technical Staff. Dr. McAndrew is a Fellow of the IEEE and has served as an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices and on numerous technical program committees.  He is co-author of the recently published book, Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor, Oxford Univ. Press, 2010.

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G. J. Coram, How to (and how not to) write a compact model in Verilog-A, Proc. IEEE BMAS, pp. 97-106 2004.

G. J. Coram, Writing Your First Verilog-A Compact Model, 2014,

Colin C. McAndrew, and Tamara Bettinger, Robust Parameter Extraction for the R3 Nonlinear Resistor Model for Diffused and Poly Resistors, IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 25, pp. 555-563, 2012.

Colin McAndrew, Integrated Resistor Modeling, Chapter 9 in Compact Modeling: Principles, Techniques, and Applications, Ed. By Gennady Gildenblat, Springer, 2010.

Colin McAndrew, R3 Nonlinear Resistor Model, 2014, nanoHUB doi:10.4231/D3QB9V64G

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Colin McAndrew (2015), "How to Write, Develop and Implement a Real Compact Model,"

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103 Dicovery Learning Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

NEEDS: New Era Electronic Devices and Systems

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In This Workshop

  1. R3 Model Xyce Simulation Lab

    Tools | 20 Nov 2014 | Contributor(s): Xufeng Wang

    A tool exploring the internals of the R3 compact model through Xyce

  2. The R3 Model: Device Physics

    Online Presentations | 11 Dec 2014 | Contributor(s): Colin McAndrew

    This talk presents an in depth look at how semiconductor resistors work and the physics for the R3 transistor model.

  3. The R3 Model: Verilog-A Code

    Online Presentations | 28 Jan 2015 | Contributor(s): Colin McAndrew

    This talk presents an in depth look at the Verilog-A code for the R3 transistor model.  It also includes some general guidelines for writing compact models.

  4. The R3 Model: Homework

    Online Presentations | 02 Feb 2015 | Contributor(s): Colin McAndrew

  5. The R3 Model: Verilog-A Code (A Look at the Code)

    Online Presentations | 02 Feb 2015 | Contributor(s): Colin McAndrew

    This talk presents a quick run-through look at the Verilog-A code for the R3 transistor model. 

  6. The R3 Model: Homework Solutions

    Online Presentations | 05 Feb 2015 | Contributor(s): Colin McAndrew