MuGFET: First-Time User Guide

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MuGFET is a simulation tool for nano-scale multi-gate FET structures.

This document provides instructions on how to use MuGFET.

MuGFET users can use also the PROPHET or the PADRE tool. Either of these provide self-consistent solutions to the Poisson and drift-diffusion equation.

At the nanometer scale, quantum transport approaches that are based on a full 3D Poisson-Schroedinger solution, like the nanowire Lab or the atomistically resolved Bandstructure Lab, are needed for insight into transport. However, for devices that are 10nm or larger semi-classical approaches can provide some significant insight. For device domains 30nm or larger, quantum approaches as implemented in today's simulators may not contain enough physics of scattering and dephasing. Therefore, there are some advantages in using classical simulation approaches over quantum simulation approaches for certain classes of device regimes. Drift and diffusion simulations are significantly faster than quantum ballistic simulations and also fairly well-fitted for generating experimental results.

PROPHET is a PDE (partial differential equation) solver for 1, 2, or 3 dimension. In PROPHET, equations are extensible and flexible in geometry. As a result, it is used in more general-purpose physics simulation.

PADRE is a device-oriented simulator for 2D/3D device with arbitrary geometry. It provides many useful plots for engineers and a deep understanding of physics. Many options are provided with respect to the numerical methods and semiconductor device physics.

MuGFET is a user-friendly graphical user interface that provides a lot of useful plots, such as subthreshold, DIBL, on/off current ratio, etc. Users do not have to calculate these parameters by themselves.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • SungGeun Kim, Sriraman Damodaran, Benjamin P Haley, Gerhard Klimeck (2008), "MuGFET: First-Time User Guide,"

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